

What exactly is wellbeing? Wellbeing is feeling comfortable, happy or healthy. It’s living a wholesome life full of all the things that light you up and give you purpose. Pretty much the whole concept of The Health Haven is based around creating equilibrium in all areas of your life allowing you to dip deep and find what it is that makes you feel abundantly happy and healthy.

Your wellbeing isn’t just about eating right or practising mindfulness, it’s also about the feelings and emotions you feel when achieving goals, nourishing relationships and learning to love yourself and your body just the way you are. Of course, this feels and looks different to each of us which is why everyone's journey is so different.

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It’s time to check-in with yourself girl!

Everytime you enter The Health Haven you are watering those little seeds you planted at the beginning, helping them grow stronger, brighter and more beautiful. Your wellbeing is a collection of all the areas in your life and as we know by now, maintaining awareness and self care is vital to help you feel whole and happy.

Creating balance is something we will always be working on and doesn't mean that one day your life will be ‘perfect’ or that you are feeling 100% in all areas. It means that each day you are conscious and aware of where you need to put love and focus, being kind to yourself and body and making choices that will only ignite that fire burning inside of you. Remember, if it’s not a HELL YES then it’s a HELL NO!

Now is a good time to revisit the balance wheel. Every week our mindset, goals and lives can change direction. Checking in with where you are at is so empowering and allows you to help balance and restore where it’s needed the most.

Journal Prompt:

Write down 5 areas that came up as needing some TLC:






For each of these, write down one thing you can do to help improve these areas?






I am all about synchronicity (being in the right place at the right time or things happening for a reason). This is why I like to revisit this exercise each month as sometimes things will happen which can leave us feeling lost, overwhelmed and a little unsure of what we are supposed to do next. However, if we consciously create awareness and acknowledge these concerns for what they are, we are putting it out to the universe that we are ready to experience, learn and grow. Life doesn’t happen to you, it happens for you and the sooner we realise that more opportunities will come your way and you will start to see these as life lessons. Always learning and evolving.


Your wellbeing starts and ends with you. You are in charge of your own health and happiness and choosing to see and learn with love is the beginning of a blissful life. Coming from a place of love will open your world up in so many ways and will really help you begin your wellbeing journey. Now it’s not all about walking around with a smile from ear to ear everyday (I mean we all have done days right?), feeling angry or sad is so important, it's more about really looking deep within to see why you are experiencing these emotions and how can you learn, grow and go forward.

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This topic is going to help you with this, we are going to delve deep into what brings you joy and fuels your happiness. We will look at your relationships and how to nourish them on a deeper level as well as creating some incredible healthy habits that will last a lifetime. Each time you feel yourself slipping away or feeling low, come back to what we just spoke about. Give yourself some words of encouragement and remember why you are here and that at any point you have the power to take back control. To be aware of your thoughts and feelings and show up as your higher self , that person you see when you close your eyes and envision yourself having achieved all that you have set out to. 

Girl, you are about to blossom!


It’s time to think big!

This is all about committing to your future and staying on the path to wellness. Life is busy and we can easily get side tracked doing life! So beautiful I want you to think big, keep that picture of your big dreams that you journalled right at the start, Encapsulate that feeling you got when writing them down and that gleam in your eye that you got when thinking about achieving them. That’s some powerful stuff right there! This will help you keep on track even when we have off days, this feeling is what is going to motivate you to keep on going.

Creating a state of wellness if about consistently taking action towards those big dreams and goals. Focusing on opportunities rather than obstacles (synchronicity), search for chances to change the world and seek ways to grow. These are the keys to nourishing your wellbeing as we move through life.


Journal Prompt:

What is one obstacle or action in your life right now that is stopping you from achieving wellness in your life?

How long have you experienced this for?

If there was a reason for this obstacle or action, what would it be?

What thoughts or feelings come up when faced with this challenge?

What is the result of those feelings/thoughts? How does it impact your life?

How would you like this to change?

What could be done differently next time this obstacle comes up?

If you could do this, how would your life/situation be different?

Now is a perfect time to let it go. If this is what is holding you back from feeling whole then is it really worth holding on to? Only you know the answer and only you can use the tools above to see this with love and respect and let go. Acknowledge, appreciate and leave it at the door. Sometimes this is easier said than done and if the obstacle is bigger than your strength right now it’s ok! This can take time but if we can each time leave a piece at the door, one day we will run out of pieces and be left with an open and spacious heart ready to take on the world.

Trust yourself enough to let go, shift and uproot. Give yourself permission to shed who you used to be, You are allowed to start over and find new ways to bloom into your best self
— Unknown

The 4 pillars: Wellness, Wisdom, Wonder and Giving

These four pillars create the foundation for a wholesome life. They help create more balance and sustainability in your life and help us understand more about what makes us feel happy and healthy. If we look after these pillars we will create a beautiful and strong foundation for years to come. To look after your mind, body and soul, to constantly learn and grow, to think and be curious and to give your best in everything that you do.

These could include:

  • Getting more sleep

Your emails will still be there in the morning so get the rest you need as you will achieve more when you are well rested.

  • Have down time

This could be a nap or rest time. Allocate yourself time to rest and restore. Even 10 minutes on your lunch break to close your eyes away from technology and distraction.

  • Yoga, stretching and Meditation

A simple and highly effective way to nourish your mind, body and soul.

  • Self love

Don’t forget to look after YOU. Spend time doing things that make you smile.

  • Eat wholesome foods

Have healthy snacks prepared in the fridge. Fill it with colour and different flavours and textures or fruit, veg, nut + seeds etc.

  • Learn to listen to your body

Reconnect with your intuition and live true to your mission/your why.

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  • Have some tech free time

Let your mind rest and allow it to think without the influence of social media. Be present and don’t miss all those blissful moments that pass so quickly.

  • Embrace your happiness

Happiness comes from giving and allowing yourself to be free in the mind and body. Give the best of you to receive the best from others.

Ok beautiful, I have a little activity I would love for you to try out today, tomorrow or even for the week to come. Before we go ahead pick which day you will do this.

Awesome GF!

There are 3 things that are going to help create so much happiness and gratitude in your life that we are going to do:

  1. Let go of judgement (yep it’s a biggie) I want you to notice the people around you without judging them. Make a personal connection, smile or say hello. Notice your thoughts that pop up and if one of judgment comes through, acknowledge and let it go.

  2. Compliment someone. This can really make someone’s day and seeing them feel good makes you feel good in return.

    3. Pay it forward. Maybe pay for someone’s coffee at your local or put money in someone’s parking metre. This honestly brings you so much happiness and love and hopefully spreads to more and more people all because you decided to give. How incredible is that?

    You are probably wondering what this has to do with your wellbeing? Well it all comes back to living a purposeful life that brings you joy and happiness and as women we are natural givers. Seeing people benefit from something you have done is one of the greatest gifts you can receive and therefore gives you that sense of purpose and belonging that we seek. This is the feeling we want to feel each and everyday and that is what we are going to help you find and hold onto for your life to come.

Primary + Secondary food check-in

Ok beautiful this is a great time to check in and see how you are going. Sometimes even with all the tools in the world we can still feel blocks in our lives that we just can’t seem to figure out. You may feel you are doing everything right, yet something seems to be holding you back. The quiz below is going to help find these blocks and help you move forward. It assesses your primary and secondary food and helps link them together to see the bigger picture.




Oh Joy! Joy is one of the most incredible feelings in the world. It comes from deep inside and radiates out and can improve your mental, physical and emotional wellbeing. Joy helps to relax the body and is normally a feeling you get when something aligns with your deepest values. It’s a connection between your truth and purpose.

Journal prompt:

What does joy mean to you?

Do you currently spend time doing things that bring you joy? What are they?

What brings you a deep sense of peace, gratefulness or pride?

Is Joy something you need to invest more time in?

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Have you ever seen someone post about or talk about their morning routine or ‘daily ritual’? It’s about doing a collection of actions either in the morning or evening that help to start or end your day, much like a night time routine that helps you relax and fall into a deep and peaceful sleep.

It is a powerful form of self care and absolutely anyone can create their own daily rituals. Designating time that is entirely for you each day is essential to living a happy, healthy life. By starting your day with some beautiful self care activities that align with your values, you are setting yourself up to have the best day possible. Reconnecting and establishing a deep sense of purpose and gratitude.


Creating a daily ritual

Have you ever seen someone post about or talk about their morning routine or ‘daily ritual’? It’s about doing a collection of actions either in the morning or evening that help to start or end your day, much like a night time routine that helps you relax and fall into a deep and peaceful sleep.


It is a powerful form of self care and absolutely anyone can create their own daily rituals. Designating time that is entirely for you each day is essential to living a happy, healthy life. By starting your day with some beautiful self care activities that align with your values, you are setting yourself up to have the best day possible. Reconnecting and establishing a deep sense of purpose and gratitude.

Things to keep in mind when creating your daily rituals:

  1. Decide what time of day you can dedicate to your regular practise.

  2. Determine how much time you can allocate.

  3. What activities will you include in your practise?

  4. Write it down and schedule it in. Set a reminder on your phone and block this time out in your diary.

  5. Let your loved ones know that you will be starting a practise and that it’s important to you. Be loving but assertive.

  6. Write down what works and what doesn’t and alter accordingly.

  7. Approach your practise with mindfulness and know that obstacles will pop up and that’s ok.

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Now that you have some guidelines let’s create a beautiful daily ritual for you to start infusing into your day. Below is a daily ritual planner to help you plan ahead and organise yourself ready for the next day. I find the days I don’t do my morning practise is the days I haven’t set time aside to plan and see how my body feels and what it wants. 

To give you a few ideas I will share my practice with you. Now keep in mind mine changes each day now that I have a little one so I know I need to be flexible. 

I dedicate 20 minutes in the morning (longer if walking or doing yoga) and sometimes I split it and do 10 minutes in the morning and 10 minutes at night. 

  • When I first wake up and before I touch my phone, I lay in bed and do a body scan. I check in with how I am feeling and what my body needs.

  • Then I go down stairs and start my day with a big warm glass of lemon water. I have been doing this for years and swear by it. 

  • While I sip on this I will do some deep belly breathing to help calm my body and visualise how I would like my day to be. I encompass that feeling and hold onto it throughout the day.

  • I then will move my body. Either stretching, one of the 15 minute workouts, a walk or yoga, again just seeing what my body needs.

  • I try to fit a podcast in at some point, normally on my walk or if I am stretching.

  • At night time I like to say 3 things I am grateful for and write down 3 things I would like to feel and do tomorrow. I think attaching a feeling really motivates you to achieve your goals.

One of my goals is to start reading before bed again but I am normally am ready for some shut eye by the time it rolls around so I might try and incorporate this into my daily ritual. 

Now yours can look the same or entirely different. Yours might be playing your favourite song in the morning and dance around or maybe meditation or even sipping on your fav cup of tea. It’s whatever you like to do and whatever fuels your soul. You can switch it up day to day or stick with the same activities for a week, whatever feels right for you. Use the planner below and at the end of the week assess how you feel, what worked and what didn’t.

Plan ahead lovely

Planning ahead allows you to overcome any obstacles that might pop up like a sick child or working early/late. Your daily ritual is important so you need to treat it so. If an obstacle like this does come up don’t throw in the towel, instead see where you can make changes and do so. If you had planned to meditate but your child is distracting you #mumlife, stretch instead and let them join in. If you are working late, take 5 minutes to get up and stretch or make yourself that cuppa.

The other obstacle I hear come up a lot is time. Time has a tendency to rob us from moments like these as we deem them unimportant and easily push them to the wayside and this is not ok. I often get asked how I balance a healthy lifestyle whilst running a business and being a mum and the real honest answer is that there is no one way to feel balanced in all areas of your life especially when it comes to time management. This is for sure one of my obstacles so for me the exercise I am about to share with you is what has helped me keep my healthy habits without feeling like there are not enough hours in the day.

This exercise is going to help you manage your time a little more efficiently and see what is taking up your most valuable resource. 

Use the activity below to see where and what you are spending most of your time doing. This is not only going to help you free up space for your daily practise but will help you create more space in the day for the things you love.

Now that you can see exactly where your time is being spent, try and find a way you can incorporate more of those rituals. If you spend a fair bit of time driving maybe you can put a podcast on for your commute or, if you are spending a lot of time on your phone simply shorten that time so you can do more of the good stuff.


Focus on the now

After our amazing healthy chat with Andrea Norton I felt inspired to share her ideas around finding balance within your day.

We are all guilty of looking into and planning our future. It’s exciting and fun to visualise and create goals for ourselves and it’s part of living a happy and wholesome life. Sometimes however, we forget to look at and focus on our life right now in the present moment.

I have definitely felt a little overwhelmed with life and part of that is not focusing on what is making me happy right now. I get so focused on tomorrow and next week that I forget to nourish the life I am living right this very second.

So, what happens when you become more present and focused on the now? You feel more in tune, fluid and a hell of a lot more fulfilment. Why? because we are listening to out needs right now rather than months down the track. We can put 100% attention into our daily tasks and life which means we can reduce stress, overwhelm and anxiety, woohoo!!

So that’s all and well but how do we actually do that?


Journal Prompt:

Write your day down on paper. What does it look like? What things do you do? Where is your time spent?

Which things do you enjoy doing?

Which things do you dislike?

What are you missing in your life right now?

Why is this missing?

What changes can you make right now?

How can you support these changes? Maybe asking for help, delegating, changing the way you do them, planning your day better etc

This simple but beautiful exercise can really help you focus on the now and the needs you can fulfil when it comes to your happiness. It is a wonderful thing to think about our future just don’t forget to enjoy your life right now and adjust the things that may be bringing you down.



Oh this is going to be fun! Do you remember when you were a child and you could play for hours using only your imagination. A few chairs and a sheet made the best cubby house and you could sit and read having the scenes come alive in front of you just by using your creative mind. Those were the days right? Well as adults we tend to not use our creativity a whole lot. With work, technology that does everything for us and an over stimulated mind we tend to use more of our thinking brain rather than our creative brain.

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Creativity is the ability to create things. At its core it’s the capacity to make connections between existing ideas and the ability to come up with fresh solutions to problems. It can be as simple as creating a new recipe, helping a friend solve a problem that they have been having or even drawing a picture with your little one.

Being more in touch with your creativity has so many incredible benefits when it comes to your wellbeing. It allows more time and space to process your emotions, reduces stress, minimises anxiety and helps with depression. Spending more time exploring your creativity enables you to see the world in a more dynamic way, you are able to approach obstacles with a fresh perspective and create solutions more easily.

Creativity is the pathway to joy, almost like your life energy ready to be used and released keeping your energy flowing and you happy and healthy.

Journal Prompt:

What does creativity mean to you?

Do you consider yourself a creative person? 

What kind of self expressive and creative activities do you currently enjoy doing?

How could exploring more of your creativity help boost your health and happiness?

If you feel like you have lost your creative spark, don’t fret! Overtime this creative energy gets suppressed by what we do, how we think and what we are told. We are influenced to think that once we hit a certain age, all creativity must go out the door but that is not the case.

In fact, spending more time in your creative zone as an adult will only help you live a more fulfilled life. Engaging in things that get you thinking, test your skills and spark your imagination allows you to feel less stressed, more focused and gives you a sense of purpose which is something deep down we all search for.

Throughout The Health Haven you have secretly been already igniting your creative energy. From creating your self love menu, your goals and intentions and your vision board, you have already begun flexing your creativity muscle. 

Finding simple fun ways to unleash this creativity is so important and once this gets flowing, your ability to see the world through different eyes will be unstoppable. Are you ready to get creative?

Some simple and fun ways to spark this for you include:

  • Write in a journal (all your thoughts and worries)

  • Think of 3 ways you can address that worry (what will help you move forward)

  • Write down your 3 favourite veggies and create a new recipe (draw a picture of what it will look like)

  • Read a book (if you normally read fiction read a biography)

  • Have a phone free day and allow your day to flow more naturally rather than being influenced. (get more in touch with your intuition)

  • Draw a picture or colour in (this is actually so much fun)

These are some great ways to get started, each leaving you feel more empowered and energised and once you do one you will crave more and more which is why I have added an amazing exercise for you to do below called ‘Morning Pages’. I did this whilst studying at IIN and at first I felt silly doing it but once I got started it just kept flowing and I couldn’t believe how much better I felt after. So I encourage you to print it out and keep it beside your bed and let your creativity flow.



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The cornerstone to life. Connection is one of our deepest desires, we all have a need for connection and support and to lose that  is one of our deepest fears. Relationships are the MOST IMPORTANT part of your primary food. The connection you have with others has a massive impact on your life and health which is why it is important to nourish that connection on a daily basis.

I think we can all admit that at some point we have been a little slack in the communication department. Given technology and our busy schedules we just don’t put in enough effort into our relationships and I for one am guilty of this.

During your lifetime people will come into your life for different purposes. One person can’t tick all the boxes when it comes to fulfilling your needs which is why we need to step back and appreciate who brings what into your life and whether it lifts you or deflates you. 

Journal Prompt:

First lovely, we need to look at your needs when it comes to relationships:

What do relationships mean to you?

What are your NEEDS when it comes to the areas of:





SEX - 

Do your current relationships support these needs?

How satisfied are you in this area from 1 - 10 (10 being highly satisfied)

Choose one of these 5 needs that you feel ready and inspired to create more balance in:

List 3 healthy actions you can take this week to satisfy this area:




Things to keep in mind:

Some areas may need to be looked at with a different perspective. For example someone craving intimacy may search for that through sex and may still feel unfullfilled when all they really needed was a hug and visa versa.

Establishing deep and meaningful relationships unlocks joy and happiness and helps to reduce stress and anxiety. This starts from the moment we are born, having that early connection with our parents or carers creates the capacity for us to love and experience joy as an adult. If that connection is ever lost it is important to gain it back.

Sometimes we might not have that close bond with our family or friends for many different reasons but if it’s possible to reconnect, then it is worth putting some time and effort into helping that relationship grow again. If not, we are always able to create new relationships to help fill our lives with joy as long as they align with your present self and values.


The relationships we choose to have in our lives really do reflect on ourselves. Like the saying goes, ‘You are the top 5 people you surround yourself with’. I couldn’t agree more, if you surround yourself with people that have similar values to you and push you to be the best version of yourself then you are already on your way to living a joyful fuel life. If you happen to have a couple people in your life that don’t tick these boxes it might be time to reevaluate that relationship to see whether it still serves who you are now and the person you are creating. 

That can sound pretty scary as no one really likes to have to ‘cut ties’ but at the end of the day this is your life and no one should dampen your sunshine when it comes to living a wholesome and happy life.

Journal prompt:

Who are the top 5 people you surround yourself with or spend the most time with:

What values do each of these people add to your life? Write them next to their name:

Are you not being your authentic self in any of these relationships? Be real and honest:

Why is that?

How does that make you feel?

What do you feel you should do about that relationship?

Is that something you are willing to do so that you can be happy?

What’s one thing you can do now that will help you?


The 5 love languages

Creating more conscious connections with your loved ones is part of living a wholesome happy life. Learning the 5 love languages can help you understand your loved ones more and learn to see through the eyes of love and understanding rather than expectation.

We all have a language of love and show our love in different ways which is why when we do something for someone and it doesn’t get the gratitude we expected, we can feel unfulfilled and deflated. This isn’t because they don’t care, it is simply because they show their love and appreciation for a different way to you.

The 5 love languages are:

  1. Words of affirmation

  2. Acts of service

  3. Receiving gifts

  4. Quality time

  5. Physical touch

Finding out yours is as simple as taking a quiz at https://www.5lovelanguages.com/ you can also get your loved ones to do this too. By knowing your own love language and that of your loved ones, you can begin to reach a deeper level of connection and love.

If you and your loved ones language is much different, here are a couple ideas that can help you understand and show your partner some love through theirs.

  1. Words of affirmation: Give your loved one a compliment or tell them how much they mean to you.

  2. Acts of service: Offer to clean their care or cook their favourite meal.

  3. Receiving gifts: Pick up their favourite chocolate on your way home or surprise them with something you have made them.

  4. Quality time: Book a date night at their fav restaurant or plan a spontaneous day out or simply curl up together and watch a movie.

  5. Physical touch: Give each other a relaxing massage or show them more affection with lots of cuddles.

These might seem simple but sometimes when our love languages are different, we give more from what we enjoy rather than what they enjoy. Try it out this week and see how much more appreciation you have for each other. This also goes beyond a physical relationship, this quiz can be done with your kids or family to help you understand their emotions more. It will help guide you how to help them through tough times as well as how to celebrate with them.

Your Environment

Your home environment is any aspect of your life that contributes to your living environment or a space where you spend a lot of your time. The environment you surround yourself with has the potential to inspire and uplift you or drain and exhaust you. The things you choose to surround yourself with can have a massive impact on your life from your emotional to physical health.



Have you ever gone to bed with a messy room, piles of clothes that need to be put away or a floor that you can barely see? I know I have and I can guarantee I won't have a good sleep. It creates mess and clutter in my mind compared to if I have an organised space to sleep in, I have a much more peaceful sleep. This is because you absorb your environment which is why it’s important for us to create an environment that feeds us, our goals and our values.

Before creating an environment that will nourish and inspire you, it’s a good idea to get clear on what it is you would like to surround yourself with. Thinking of your priorities, interests and needs is a great place to start. Once you get clear on these you can start taking away the things that aren’t serving you and replace them with the things that uplift you. 

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Journal prompt:

What are your priorities, goals and values you want to instill in your home environment?

What is your current home environment like? Does it uplift or drain you?

Does it support your goals and values?

What does your ideal home environment look like, what items are there?

What does it smell like, sound like and feel like?

How do you want your home environment to reflect who you are?

Think about your values and goals, what things could you add to your environment that will help inspire and motivate you? List them below and choose 2 you can add this week.

Think of the environment you would LOVE to wake up and come home to after a busy day at work. It’s your sanctuary, your safe place and the perfect place to be you and to let your hair down so make it your own.


Social life

Being social is an important part of connecting with others, humans are social beings and we are meant to communicate and connect with others and have done so for many moons. Whether it’s frequent or not it’s important to have some form of a connection with others outside of your own time.

When you invest your time in being social you feel a sense of community and belonging. A sense of belonging is one of our greatest physiological needs for survival, even for those who love their alone time. Being social inspires you to be the best version of yourself, it makes us happy, allows us to let our hair down and have fun! It’s essential for our health and happiness.

Balancing your social life with work, family, alone time and self care can be tricky and is really determined by your personal needs and lifestyle.

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Journal Prompt:

What does a balanced social life look like to you?

Have you found certain people you like to spend time with?

What qualities do you look for?

Are there people you currently hang out with that drain you or make you feel less of yourself?

If so, why do you surround yourself with them?

Are there people that energize and make you feel good?

What sort of social activities do you like?

Is socialising something you look forward to or does it feel like a chore?

How could you bring more balance to this part of your life?

Nourish your social life

 I am giving you permission to do more things that make you happy, woohoo!! Socialising can be something that many of us love to do but for others it can be daunting. I wouldn’t say that I was the most social girl in school and more often I was happy with my close friends and my own company. As I grew up I found it a little harder to put myself out there and socialise and only recently have I found the courage to step out of my comfort zone and just be me.

I realised that growing up it was my lack of confidence that was holding me back. I was worried about what people would think of me, I always had it in my head that I would fail at anything and I hadn’t quite figured out who I was just yet. So I was quiet and just went with the flow. I guess I always went into a relationship whether it be friend based or partner based with the expectation of a certain outcome, ‘They will like me better if I do this or they won’t like me if I say that’ It wasn’t until I started to let go of that ‘outcome’ that my friendships really started to blossom.

I guess what I am trying to say is that the moment you let go of expectations and assumptions is the minute you realise that all you have to be is yourself. You want people to like who you are not who you think you should be for them and if they don’t like who you are, they are probably not the people you should be surrounding yourself with. High vibes only ladies!

I wanted to share that with you because so many people say how confident I am and it 100% has not always been like that. I had to let go of the fear and step out of my comfort zone for me to be able to pursue the things that I wanted to do and share that with the world. It isn’t easy but neither is staying in your comfort zone.

So, what holds us back from having a healthy social life? (healthy being what feels is enough for you)

  • Laziness

  • Busy/over scheduled

  • Compare and despair

  • Fear of being liked

  • Low self worth

  • Money

  • These are just a few that might come up for you and sometimes are totally valid however it’s when we are using them more often than not that it can become a problem. During our day and life we are going to come across challenges and obstacles and we need friends to help support us through them. This could be one or 2 good friends or maybe you have a big group, either way they are there to uplift you when times are tough and celebrate with you when all is great.


This is one of the reasons why I love this community so much. A tribe of like-minded women all here to create a happier and more wholesome life for not only them but their loved ones too. Seeing you all give words of encouragement and sharing your journey is what this is about and is a great example of how you can nourish your social life on a different level.

So if you are starting fresh and looking for some new gal pals or maybe even wanting to meet some new people who share the same values as you, there are a few tips you can take with you next time you are out and about:

  • Be real - You are you and no one else can take that from you. Show them the incredible person you are.

  • Leave judgement at the door - Try to not let your judgement take over, get to know them first and as they say ‘never judge a book by it’s cover’.

  • Be vulnerable - You don’t have to be perfect, embrace your ‘flaws’ and use them to your advantage. Tell them you are nervous or that you don’t get out much.

  • Be empowered - Have no limits, talk to as many people as you can and share things about yourself with them.

  • Get curious - Ask them questions, what they like to do, what makes them happy.

  • Be present - Don’t be distracted by your phone or other conversations. Give them the time of day, they will really appreciate it.

  • Take action - If you struggle to meet people look up different groups around you that also align with your values or hobbies (Facebook events has heaps of these).

There are lots of places you can go to meet new people and sometimes it just takes you to go there and strike up a conversation to meet your new gal or guy pal:

  • Gym/Fitness group

  • Community events

  • Wellness retreats

  • Cafes

  • Group/Chats meet ups

  • Through other friends

  • Travel

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There are so many amazing options for you to start nourishing your social life that little more. Remember it’s not about going out every single weekend as it is important to spend time on your own as well. It is all about finding a balance that suits you and your lifestyle.

I know for me I am pretty consumed in work and Hux most of the week so my weekly yoga class and visit my local coffee shop are places where I can meet and chat with other people as well as catching up with friends for coffee or lunch. This suits me and I even fit in a group activity for Huxley to ensure he is learning to establish a healthy social practise too.

Journal prompt:

What is an activity you would love to do but the thought of putting yourself out there scares you?

What is one thing you could do that would help you feel more confident to do this?

Take action girl! Write down and put it in your diary one action step you will do this week to achieve this.

If you are still not sure:

What is a hobby you would love to explore more of?

Do some research and write down what groups are around you that represent this hobby:

Which one feels right to you? 

Take action! Goto a class and see how you go. Use the tips above for meeting new people and see how empowered you feel.

After the class write down:

One person I met is:

My biggest takeaway was:

I feel …. :

I can’t wait to ….. :

Next time I ….. :

You have got nothing to lose beautiful but everything to gain.


Dealing with Anxiety

Ohhh Anxiety, that overwhelmed feeling you get that can come out of nowhere. It almost freezes your ability to think, process and even explain your emotions. Your chest get’s tight, breathing get shallow and it honestly is one of the worst things to go through. Some of you may be lucky to not experience anxiety to this degree but some of you might.

It’s important to know if you do there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with you beautiful. Anxiety isn’t something to be ashamed about nor is it something to not talk about. So in saying that, let’s talk anxiety.

So, what is it and why do we get it?

Anxiety comes from our good old friend stress. It’s like her twin sister that is always there no matter what. It is our body’s natural response to stress however the level of severity is different for each of us. Most of the time anxiety stems from the unknown or what’s to come. For example if you have to give a speech in front of a group of people it might give you anxiety. However it can also stem from many other things.

For some people anxiety can be crippling. It can consume them and almost become excessive to the point it can bring on a panic attack. These feelings can be so severe that it can really impact their quality of life.

How can you help manage anxiety?

If you do suffer from severe anxiety it is always helpful to get advice from an integrative doctor who can help you work through and organise a wellness plan. There are also some amazing things you can do at home to help reduce anxiety and also help you understand it a little better.

Journal Prompt:

Are you someone who suffers from anxiety? On a scale of 1-10 (10 being high) how would you rate your anxiety?

Do you know what your main triggers are? What are they?

If no, how often so you feel anxious? Can you pinpoint any patterns or circumstances that may have caused this?

How does your body currently respond to anxiety?

What do you do for yourself when this happens? Does it help?

Learning to understand yourself and how your body manages anxiety is really important. Being aware of how your body responds, the stages, how long it lasts is vital in being able to break through these feelings.

What do you feel your body needs when you are feeling anxious?

Are there any words or actions you or a loved one could do or say to help you?

Supporting yourself and body

Like I always say, what works for me might not work for you. It’s all part of being unique beings however I feel it is still very important to share with you my tips on helping kick anxiety in the butt! Now I am not saying this will send it packing forever BUT it will definitely give it a good talking to.

Mood Boosting Foods:

Things such as Bananas, Rolled Oats, Dark Chocolate, Fatty Fish, Berries, Leafy greens, herbal teas such as camomile are all great foods to include more on your plate.

Pre and Probiotics:

Helping to create a happy and healthy home within. Also great to support hormones.

Vit D:

Make sure you have good Vit D levels to keep you feeling happy and healthy. Some people may need to supplement these as it is hard to obtain Vit D purely through diet. Also ensure you are getting enough sunshine.


We all know sleep is important but for especially for reducing stress and inflammation in the body.

Avoid lot’s of caffeine and sugar:

These can make symptoms worse so just be mindful of how much you are having.

Create a calming environment:

This maybe having indoor plants, essential oils, calming colours around your room, vision board etc


It can be hard expressing your feelings to others so start a journal purely to write down and stressors or worries you maybe feeling. You can ask yourself these:

Why am I feeling this way?

Is it something I can or can’t control?

What’s one thing I can do right now to help myself move through this?

Surround yourself with inspiration:

This maybe surrounding yourself with positive and supportive people, unfollowing accounts that disempower you, have positive mantras and quotes as your wallpaper. Creating an empowering environment around you is one thing you can do to help support and encourage a positive and calm space.

So beautiful next time you are feeling anxious remember you have the power to engage or disengage with this feeling. It’s tough GF I know! I also know that you deserve to feel happy and empowered. So what can you control right now? Take a moment to think about all the things you have achieved, your strengths and the things you love or perhaps try out a meditation below and shift your attention to something deep and powerful.



Meditation has been used for many moons over many cultures and is still widely practiced today. It may seem a little ‘woo woo’ but more and more people are realising the incredible benefits of mediation, especially in a world that is constantly evolving and changing. It allows your mind and body to slow down helping you manage stress and life more effectively through the practise of mindfulness.

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On the outside it may look like you are asleep sitting up but on the inside amazing things are happening. Mediation has been known to help boost brain function and immunity, reduce cortisol levels responsible for inflammation and weight gain, it can help slow down the ageing process, promote attentional capacity (especially for ADHD) and also helps regulate your emotion.

All that from simply being still and mindful. As easy as it sounds, it can be a little tricky. Starting small even just 5 minutes is enough to help you feel more relaxed. You might like to do this first thing in the morning, on your lunch break or before bed, whatever feels like it will work for you. Start by focusing on 3 big deep breaths, observe how you feel and let it flow. Start by doing this for a week and see how you feel. Follow my short but sweet guided meditations below.

The relaxation response

Once you start you will soon find what works and what doesn’t. It can also be confronting to sit down and be with your thoughts so knowing what and how to incorporate meditation into your lifestyle is key.

  1. Identify your why: Why do you want to practise meditation? How do you want it to make you feel? What do you want to get out of it?

  2. Start small: Even just 5 minutes a day can have a great impact.

  3. Pick a form that suits you: Do you prefer guided meditations or do you like to repeat a mantra in your head? Experiment with what works for you.

  4. Commit to it: Establish a routine. 5 minutes each day is more effective than 1 hour once a week. Set a reminder for yourself and stay consistent.

  5. Join a community: Try a local yoga class or maybe even a group meditation.

Find some time to dedicate to your practise, what have you got to lose?

Essential Oils

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Essential oils have been a part of my life for around 4 years now and I honestly use them for EVERYTHING! From cleaning, diffusing, perfume and food. They are powerful in ways I could never have imagined and have played a huge role in helping me overcome anxiety.

Some of my most beautiful self care rituals now include essentials oils. Each morning when I come downstairs I put on my diffuser to help motivate and energise me ready for the day.

I also have one in our room and Huxley’s room ready for our night time routine. Nothing beats going to bed with a nice relaxing blend to help you drift off into a deep sleep.

So what exactly are essential oils?

Essential oils are a concentrated form of the compounds found in plants during the extraction process. When these oils are extracted we are left with a pure concentrate of the plants natural oil which contains many healing and therapeutic benefits. We can absorb essential oils through our body and through the nose by inhaling them.

What I found to be really interesting when reading Eco Modern Essential Oils guide to essential oils is the journey the oils go on when entering our body and the powerful effect it can have on us.

When using essential oils topically on the skin either by compress or by adding drops into a bath, the essential oils are absorbed into the bloodstream which carries the healing molecules throughout the body which is why we feel so relaxed when adding a soothing blend to our bath or wrists.

If we are diffusing oils in our diffuser or by inhaling from the bottle, the molecules travel through two pathways. Down into the lungs and up into the limbic system of the brain where they are then transported throughout the body. Amazing isn’t it? All of this created by something so pure and natural straight from mother earth.

Choosing Essential Oils:

When starting it can be confusing to know which oils to start with. Some oils will elevate emotions where others can be grounding so first tune in and see what kind of energy you are drawn to. It’s important to remember that some oils are quite powerful so if using on children, during pregnancy or breastfeeding or through illness just check either with your doctor or do some research before using.

Some beautiful oils to get you started and that are much loved are:

Lavender - Cooling and calming. Helps reduce stress, irritation and sleeplessness. Diffuse or add a few drops into your bath for a relaxing pamper. Can also be used diluted in water as a compress for aching muscles.

Frankincense - Known as the ‘King’ of oils. Frank helps to relax our nervous system and calm busy minds. An immune stimulant, Frank is great for those suffering colds/coughs or respiratory problems. Aldo great in healing and boosting the skin.

Lemon - A very energising and cleansing oil, uplifting in nature Lemon is a very versatile oil. Great for increasing focus and clearing negative energy. Lemon also has amazing antiseptic properties making a great one for the kitchen.

Sweet Orange - A warm and vibrant oil Sweet Orange is a great pick me up in times of sadness or in the cooler months. A mood boosting oil that is also calming for an upset stomach.

Eucalyptus - A must have in the medicine cupboard. A healing and clearing oil great for those with colds. Helps to purify the air and reduce inflammation. Eucalyptus can also be added to cleaning products due to it’s great antiseptic properties.

You can check out more essential oils here. These are my favourite essential oils from Eco Modern Essential Oils. You can also use code Bliss10 at checkout for a little discount to help you get started.

Ways to use Essential Oils:

Some of my favourite way to use essential oils have soon become self care rituals. My favourite ways include:

Diffusing: Add 5-8 drops of my chosen essential oils to my oil diffuser (I have one in each room).

In the bath: Depending on my mood I like to add a couple drops into my bath water to help soothe and relax the body.

Oil dressing: Adding a few drops into some coconut or jojoba oil and massaging it all over my body.

Perfume: Making my own perfume has been something I have done since being diagnosed with PCOS. I love making different blends or buying premade blends.

Cleaning: We all know I love detoxing my home so making my own cleaning products using essential oils has been a life saver. I purchased this DIY CLeaning Kit which has been amazing!