Self love club


Welcome beautiful to the self care hub. Everything you have been delving into throughout The Health Haven has been empowering you to live up to your true potential. To let go of the fear and doubt that we carry in our hearts and lift the constant pressure we carry on our shoulders. Losing sight of who we are and what we want happens without us even knowing, one day we feel in flow and fully aligned and then the next we have no idea of our purpose or which direction is up. For me this couldn’t speak truer for when I had my little man.

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I had done so much inner work leading up until that point that I was fully unprepared for what happened next. Everyone prepares you for having a baby but no one prepares you for your journey into motherhood. All of a sudden I had this unsettling feeling deep inside that I couldn’t figure out. It wasn’t my beautiful baby or my amazing partner, it was me all of a sudden evolving into this new person that I had no idea about.  My whole world changed but for some reason I struggled to keep up.

Fast track to now and I am in my element but it took a little while to grow into this new role that I literally fell into overnight. It took a whole lot of patience and self care but once I did the inner work I finally started feeling myself again.

Even if you are not a mum, I’m sure you are able to relate to this in some way. Whether it be moving to a new town, starting a new job or relationship or maybe a life event that flipped your world upside down. Rediscovering yourself can be hard but I am going to show you how I did it and how to do it with a smile on your face, coffee in one hand and yoga mat in the other. Girl, let’s get this self love club underway.


Why self love?

When life gets busy or our days get filled quickly, self care is the first thing we set aside. We make a conscious decision to put others needs before our own and attend to our needs last. Let’s be real though, by the time that time comes around we are too tired and exhausted and simply have nothing left to give, even if it’s for ourselves.

What we don’t realise is that self care is the foundation for us to live happily, healthy and function better each and everyday. Like the saying goes, ‘You can’t pour from an empty cup’. When you spend time doing things that make your soul happy, you can serve on a much higher level. You have more patience, you can make better choices and you can speak and do more from a loving place. This means not only you benefit but your loved ones around you.


When your children and friends see you prioritise self care, it allows them to see you in a new light. They have more respect for your time, your happiness and can even start practising themselves.

So what is self care? Self care is any activity that nurtures and refuels you on a deeper level. 

When your cup is full you can live in alignment with your goals and values opening up a whole world of opportunities.

Journal prompt:

When was the last time you did something entirely for yourself?

What makes you feel totally nourished?

Close your eyes and take 5 deep breaths tuning into your body..

Now open your eyes, Do you feel there is a place for more self love? Where?

How can you start infusing more of this into your day?

So beautiful, I am giving you permission to be your own CEO of your body and life. Ensure you get what you need so you can serve, love and live from a place of fulfillment.

We often feel guilty for making time for ourselves but I want you to let go of that judgement because you are the most important person right now so be kind to yourself. Don’t forget to communicate this with your loved ones, they can’t read minds so let them know how they can best support you.

To love yourself is more than saying I love you in the mirror, it’s accepting yourself fully, it’s taking a moment when you need one, it’s the way you speak to yourself and the way you show up each and everyday. Self love is having love within
— Blissful health with emma

Self love starts with you!

We hear the term ‘self love’ or ‘self care’ all the time. We know we are supposed to do it but how many of us actually do? As a whole, we generally think of self love as us loving ourselves and doing nice things which I guess is part of it but not its foundation. 

Self love goes beyond liking who you are, what you do and how you act. It’s the act of being present and attentive with yourself no matter what! It’s being radically honest with yourself and how you are feeling in every breath. It’s coming home to your TRUE nature and knowing that everything you have always needed has always been inside you, it just needed rediscovering.

There isn’t a single area in your life that isn’t touched by how you treat yourself

Start living as if your dreams have already come true. (11).png

Journal prompt:

Is self care/love something you currently invest your time in?

How many times a week do you dedicate to self care?

What activities/rituals do you do for yourself?

Where are you putting yourself last?

What are you tolerating that you don’t want to? Why?

How would you feel if you spent more time doing things that you love that helped fill up your cup?

Self care takes action, implementation and integration but most of all your personal dedication to nourishing your mind, body and soul each and every day. If we are constantly giving to others and filling our day with things that we don’t enjoy we become resentful, moody and exhausted. This not only affects us as a person but those around us. By focusing more on relieving stress, slowing down and doing things that bring us pure joy, we are able to give from a pure state of love and happiness.


Self love foundations

  • ACCEPTANCE: Without acceptance there can’t be love. Try not to be hard on yourself even when the whole world seems against you. Changing your self talk is so powerful,  be kind and forgive yourself like you would a friend. When you are struggling with acceptance try one of these mantras:

“ I am enough, I have enough and I do enough”

“I am love, I feel love, I give love and I recieve love”

  • RESPECT: The highest form of self love is to honour yourself. Have respect for your decisions, your feelings and your boundaries. Respecting yourself first allows others to honour and respect all that you do. Say yes when you mean it and no when you don’t feel like it. Most importantly, respect your time for self love.

  • AWARENESS: It’s little steps that create big movements. Be present with yourself each day, observe your thoughts and actions and be aware of your feelings. Writing these down or putting them in your phone is a great way to keep yourself accountable. When you feel yourself slipping away, take a deep breath and refocus.

  • KNOWLEDGE: Do your inner work to find out who you are and what it is you really want. Once you learn the things you didn’t know about yourself you will become more intune with yourself and your values. Ask yourself:

“What do I need to learn to be the best version of myself?”

You do not have to accept what you have been given, you are allowed to write your own story.

  • TRUST: Trust that you will always have yourself to come back to. Let go of control and let your life flow like water in a stream, fluidly and beautifully. Let others have their own experiences without it affecting your own. Listen to your body and trust your intuition.

The art of self love is a lifelong practice, so be easy on yourself and take one day at a time.

Learning to love yourself

Why is loving ourselves one of the hardest relationships we have? Maybe it’s because we don’t see the relationship we have with ourselves as being as important as others or maybe it’s a lack of self worth? Either way it’s time to realise that you are the most important person in your life. Yep, that’s a big call but it’s the truth. If we don't have love and respect for ourselves, how are we meant to fully love others and have others fully love and respect us in return?

Take a moment to consider a healthy relationship between a loving mother and her child. If the child is scared and crying, the mother will hold and comfort her right?

Even though the mother doesn't like when her child cries and would much prefer her to be happy and smiling, she still loves her child and provides her with undivided attention and presence.

Now think of that mother without her child. If the mother was sad and upset, her inner mean girl would show up telling her that she isn’t good enough, she is weak and that it’s all too much. 

This is the difference between untamed self love and the love we often show ourselves. What we don’t realise is that our inner mean girl is like that little child crying out for attention. This is where we need to nourish the relationship we have with ourselves and instead of getting angry we need to come from a place of love and understanding just like the mother did with her child.

Developing this kind of relationship with ourselves takes time and constant awareness of our thoughts and actions. Your self love relationship will have its ups and downs like everything else, but just starting to become aware is such an incredible step in the right direction. 

Journal prompt:

How often do you listen to your inner mean girl?

Does she speak the truth or speak from your fears?

Have you ever stopped and treated her like the little child in the story?

How could your thoughts and actions change if you did?

What could you say to your inner mean girl instead?

How could you become more aware of your thoughts when you feel upset? What could you do to help you move through this?


This week simply be aware of your thoughts and your feelings. When your inner mean girl pops up simply acknowledge her and show her nothing but love and understanding, guide her in the right direction of the kind words you wish to speak just like you would with that little child.

Self acceptance

Accepting yourself can be one of the most beautiful things you can do. It brings you a deep sense of gratitude and an overwhelming feeling of  love and happiness. The moment you realise that you have finally got there is a freaking amazing feeling and that is what I wish for you lovely.

Journal Prompt:

When you look in the mirror who do you see? Describe this person in detail:

What feelings and thoughts first come to mind? Be raw and honest:

Are there any parts of yourself you would like to change? Why is that?

If this changed, how would your life be different?

Is this true or is it a perceived truth? Meaning something you think will make you happier:

What if you took away all the negative thoughts and feelings you had, what positive thoughts and feelings first come to mind?

How would your day start differently if you only embraced these feelings?

What is stopping you?


We all have an inner mean girl that pipes up every now and then and sometimes we still listen to her and that’s ok. It is what we choose to do with her words that matters. Firstly, don’t be upset with yourself when she voices her opinion, acknowledge her and then let it go and replace her words with a positive affirmation that aligns with those thoughts and feelings. Repeat this to yourself, feel it, believe it and respect it.

Below are some beautiful affirmations to help you boost your self confidence. Highlight the ones that resonate with you and have them close by for times of need.

Accepting yourself is also accepting your emotions. No more waiting for validation from others or for someone to like you, choose to decide right now that you are you in every single way, from your feelings to your thoughts and your actions. Own every single part of you and make it your mission to learn and grow every single day. 

Accept who you are and where you are in this beautiful journey of yours and trust that everything happens for a reason. You either choose to learn and grow or shame but I know you have got this beautiful and we can learn and grow together in this increible community. With all the tools within the Health Haven and the ones to come in the following months, you have the power and knowledge to keep shining bright and blossom into the best you there had ever been.

Journal Prompt:

What are 3 things about yourself you would like to learn to accept:




What is holding you back from accepting these?

When did this come about? What caused these beliefs?

Is this something you have held onto? Why is that?

How can you use the power of self acceptance to move forward?

List one action for each:




Which one will you choose to implement this week?

Choose to focus on this for one week, infusing this into your daily self care. When will you dedicate time for this? Set a reminder in your phone or write it in your diary.


 Reclaim yourself beautiful


Part of learning self acceptance is reclaiming your right to happiness. It’s healing beyond fear, doubts and painful experiences. Nothing in the past has the right to define who you are in this present moment, I mean can you imagine if all of our pasts reflected who we are today?

Reclaiming yourself is about discovering your truth, the person you have grown into and the person you are becoming. Facing these fears and doubts empowers self freedom, no longer holding on to what doesn’t serve us anymore. It’s standing in your truth and owning who you are and want to be.

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Journal Prompt:

Start by simply asking yourself:

Where are you at right now?

Who are you?

Who are you becoming?

What are you excited for?

To help you release your past fears and insecurities, I have included a guide to help you reclaim yourself and to help you learn the steps to self acceptance. I like to come back to this whenever doubt takes over, it’s become part of my daily self care ritual by simply checking in and making sure I am ticking each step.

Be your own cheerleader

Be your own cheerleader  what does that mean? To show up for yourself each day, respect yourself, speak kindly and give yourself the support and encouragement you need just like you would a loved one.

So this week I want you to focus on being your own support. This not only will help boost your confidence but will give you the tools you will need when your inner mean girl pops up.

Each day write down one for each of these questions: 

  • (your name) I am proud that ________.

  • (your name) I forgive you for ________.

  • (your name) I commit to you that ________.

Stand in front of the mirror and read them aloud to yourself.

Be present, speak from your heart and be truthful


Come from a place of love

Your self care checklist is one way to ensure you are on the right path of practicing radical self care on a daily basis, this is especially great when you are first starting out. By following these steps below, you are well on your way to not only self acceptance but loving the skin you're in.

1. Check in with yourself each day. When you wake up, before you reach your phone or get out of bed, consider how you are feeling at that moment and what you may need. This could be a few deep breaths to ground yourself, a morning stretch to relieve stiffness in the body or even to set an intention to keep you focused and aligned.

Take notice of when you start to feel over stimulated and take inspired action either by taking a walk, or stepping away for a few minutes to reconnect.

2. Plan ahead and set loving boundaries for yourself. Self care won’t happen unless you make it a priority. For me my Thursday yoga class is a non negotiable, it’s in my diary and I plan around it. Of course sometimes this has to change however instead of cancelling it completely I will reschedule it for another day. Treat your self care as you would an important meeting.

3. Love yourself fully. You are unique and are the only person in the world who is YOU! Don’t worry about how others perceive you. If loving yourself doesn’t come easy, that's ok too! Look at your own personal needs and values and create small actions to help you feel more confident within these areas

4. Prioritise self care. Getting enough sleep/rest, nourishing your body with wholesome food is vital for feeling happy and healthy. 

5. Remind yourself that certain feelings and emotions are ok! Rather than bottling up your emotions or feeling angry at yourself for having certain thoughts isn’t going to make you feel any better. Experiment with healthier ways of expressing these emotions rather than lashing out or degrading yourself. Maybe you like to play music, talk to a friend or even journalling.

6. Know your limit. Learn to know when it’s time to pull back and fill up your cup. Don’t let yourself get to the point of exhaustion and resentment. Learn your triggers and take action by choosing something off your joy list or self care menu.

7.  Recognise what makes you feel unhappy. Build your ideal environment around you,  somewhere you feel comfortable and are surrounded by things that make you feel good and secure.

8.  Let your loved ones know when you are having some ‘me’ time. You can’t expect them to read your mind so let them know that you will be having 15 minutes to yourself. Put your phone on silent and enjoy every minute.

I hope this checklist guides you on your beautiful path of self love.

Here is a self care menu to help give you some ideas of the things you could start doing for yourself. I like to ensure I am balancing all areas from mind, body and soul. This allows you to feel deeply nourished not only on the inside but on the outside. Over time you will learn what activities fill up your cup so you are overflowing with love and gratitude. I can’t wait to see what you get up to.

Before you go ahead I just wat to say one thing. I need you to stop right now and walk to the mirror and look yourself in the eye... Don't hesitate or let your inner mean girl tell you otherwise.

I want you out loud to tell yourself how proud you are of yourself. Take a moment to remind yourself over all that you have overcome to get here to this very moment.

I want you to acknowledge the obstacles and admire the strength you have shown so far, you should be SO proud of yourself. Go ahead and give yourself a cheeky little smile, you deserve it!


Ok beautiful, we have delved into some pretty personal areas for you and it’s now time to put it into practise. Sometimes we have the best intentions to start but things get in the way, I totally get you girl! So I have put together a little self care challenge for you, a week of soul loving activities to nourish you deeply. All you need is to print off the challenge below and set aside time each day to tick off each one. Trust me it’s a whole lot of fun! If you are up to it, please share yours in the forum so we can get some ideas and inspiration.

Let’s get lovin!


One last thing…. to help you feel even more aligned and inspired with this self love movement I have a fun activity for you. It’s something you can do on your own, with a loved one or even get all your family to do. What is it you ask? Well angel you are going to plan your ultimate self care day. Yes we may have work or little ones but this is more about creating a day filled with things that light you up and make you feel GOOD!

  • This could be:

  • Having a phone free day

  • Breakfast in bed

  • A morning walk

  • Pamper time

  • Movie night with the fam

It honestly could be any of these plus more, whatever you can fit in around your day.

WARNING: This will leave you feeling extra amazing

How to start:

On a piece of paper or in your phone write out your morning, midday and evening and fill it up with self care items/activities. Let loved ones know that this is what is happening and that it is important to you to have this time.

Wake up and enjoy!