
Ok beautiful, it’s time to get crystal clear on why you are here and what the future holds for you. you can start believing and cultivating one epic life! So, have your pen and journal ready, a cup of tea by your side and let’s dig in.

Goals + Intentions

Defining your goals is one of the most important parts of living a wholesome life. It gives us direction and allows us to take inspired action each and every day. By having a clear vision of the life we want to live we are creating space, allowing big and wonderful things to grow and flourish in our lives. This is all about planting the seeds, watering and watch them grow and expand.

Journal Prompt:

What inspired you to join The Health Haven?

What would you like to achieve on your Journey to Blissful Health?

In the past, what has stopped you achieving this? Why is that?

If you secretly knew what your first step was to achieve this, what would it be?

What is one action you can take today that will help you with that first step?


Congratulations lovely,

Acknowledging what is holding you back from this is so important and will only allow you to grow, learn and flourish in this incredible space. Use that ‘first step’ as your first little challenge. This week I want you to take action towards achieving it. 

Now that we know what you would love to achieve let’s dig a little deeper and find out how we can help you live a more purposeful life. One that you are bursting with love and excitement with each and everyday.

Cultivating a greater understanding of how you want to feel is the key to achieving your goals and dreams. Focusing on a feeling and vision rather than just a goal will help you step closer and closer to achieving your happy wholesome life. It means tapping in to what it is you really want in life rather than what we think we want.

When we talk about setting an intention it’s more than having a specific goal we are working towards. As much as we love setting goals and it’s important to have these to work towards, it is also just as important to look at the bigger picture. Setting an intention means we are going to bring it to life and your goals are going to be supporting this intention.

Journal Prompt:

So to help you tap into that feeling, that something inside you that wants to bloom as bright as the sun we need to find out what your intention is when it comes to living your best life possible.

What does your dream day look and feel like from start to finish?

 What activities do you do?

What foods do you eat, drinks do you drink?

What thoughts and feelings do you have?

 Who are the people you surround yourself with?


 Be specific + dream big!

This beautiful is your intention, this is how you want your life to be lived and girl there is nothing holding you back anymore. The Health Haven is a place for you to live true to yourself and the life you want to create.

Now I want you to tune into the intention you set yourself and really feel as if you are already there. 

Your only limit is your mind.png

How can you live in alignment with this intention everyday?

“Believe in yourself and the world will follow”
— Blissful health with emma

Big dreams = Huge shifts

This is a great way to see where you are currently at and what activities you are doing that aren’t in alignment with who you want to be. It helps us see what shifts we need to make in order to infuse more love and light back into your life. To get some of the BS we tell ourselves out of the way so we can pour more of the good stuff in our cups.

Now the fun stuff!

I want you to find somewhere nice and comfy to sit for this next activity. Maybe a shady spot under a tree, your fav chair with a nice hot cuppa or snuggled in some pillows with your trackies on, whatever tickles your fancy I want you to make your way there.

Now that we are in the right headspace it’s time to get wildly inspired. I don’t want you to hold back here, however big or small your dream is I want you to write it down.

Journal Prompt:

There is no such thing as a silly answer here because you never know what magic you can create.

Write down as many things you can for each of the following:





YOUR ULTIMATE GOAL (the one thing you can’t stop thinking about)

I like to come back to this throughout the day as you will have moments where you can’t think of anything else but TRUST ME, there is always more to add.Once you feel you have squeezed all your creative ideas down it’s time to focus on each one by a…

I like to come back to this throughout the day as you will have moments where you can’t think of anything else but TRUST ME, there is always more to add.

Once you feel you have squeezed all your creative ideas down it’s time to focus on each one by asking yourself these questions:

Is this what I really want?

Can I see myself reaching this goal?

Will I give my all to achieve this?

Will achieving this bring me one step closer to my ultimate goal?

If you answered no to any of these that is ok. Like I said there is no wrong answer maybe just the wrong time. So for now put a line through it and focus on the ones still there. Next time you do this activity revisit those answers and see if the timing is right.

Now I want you to put each dream/goal into either:

3 months

6 months

12 months

3 years

6 years

This will give you a clear idea of what you can work towards right now and what seeds you can start planting for the future. 3-12 months is where you can start taking inspired action and the 3-6 years is all about watering awaiting them to bloom.

Once you are done I have created a worksheet to help you map out your goals and help you take some inspired action towards them. Feel free to print them out or you can write them in your journal either way you are about to take a HUGE step towards living your best life.


Amazing work beautiful,

You have set an incredibly strong foundation for your time here in The Health Haven. It is a lot of inner work but it’s fun! We are so conditioned to think logically that we forget what it is like to be creative. To really think about what we WANT not what is expected. Once you start living for YOU, your whole life changes. You start to wake up feeling inspired, you make better choices when it comes to your health and wellness and you just can’t wipe the smile off your face.

Many people struggle when it comes to this part, why? They find it difficult to set up effective strategies, systems and support to help them reach their goals. It is great the say it out loud and to write it on paper BUT the most important part is action!

So to help you really become intune with your goals I have some simple steps that will not only set you up for success but have you feeling confident and empowered.

  1. Set a SMART goal. Is it specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely?

  2. Identify your support team. What type of support will you need? List the people in your support network and list how they can keep you accountable.

  3. Schedule your time. Just like an important meeting you need to schedule this into your week. When will you have time to work on this? Mark out the days and times in your calendar keeping in mind when you do your best work.

  4. Create concrete actions. What action steps will help you achieve this goal? Assign a due date and break them down into smaller tasks.

E.G Goal: Cook 2 home cooked meals this week

Action: Go shopping and buy ingredients

Tasks: Sit down and write out what meals will be cooked and create a shopping list

Prep ingredients so they are ready to cook

5. Check in weekly. How are you going? Are you on track?

6. Recharge: What will keep you feeling inspired to keep reaching this goal?

7. Enhance your environment. Create an environment that will fuel your best work.

Gratitude + Mindfulness



A grateful heart

When it comes to gratitude a lot of people think of it as a little ‘woo woo’ same goes for spirituality however it’s not all crystals and cards. Spirituality refers to the way you seek and express meaning and purpose. It is the way you experience connection to the present moment, to yourself, to others, to nature and to the significant. It is different for everyone and there is no right or wrong just an inner exploration of our purpose, who we are and a seeking of a deeper meaning.

For some people it could mean practicing yoga, for others it could be going to church or could even be travelling and exploring different cultures. Spirituality really has no boundaries so whatever it means to youI want you to fully embrace it and if you are not quite sure then be open to receive and explore.


For me it is as simple as practising gratitude and mindfulness. Nothing too fancy or ‘woo woo’ I promise. Cultivating a mindset of gratitude has been linked to a number of physical and physiological benefits including: stronger relationships, increased immunity, higher sleep quality and improved emotional well-being not to mention a greater appreciation for life around you. Even when bad things happen, we can find something we are grateful for. In everybody’s life despite what we do things happen that make us sad and angry. Practicing gratitude is not about dealing with these tough times head on, it’s learning to deal with them with more grace, acceptance and love.


Once I started practicing gratitude and mindfulness everything seemed brighter.

Your only limit is your mind (1).png

I started noticing things around me that I was neglecting to see, I looked at things in a new perspective, I felt happier and started to really make the most of my days. By allowing this to become part of your lifestyle you are more likely to practice self care, gratitude, eat nourishing foods and respect your journey. It celebrates life and allows you to experience more of the good stuff.

Do you currently practice gratitude? Why is that?

What practices resonate and uplift you the most?

How would this impact your life and those around you?

A simple but powerful way to infuse more gratitude into your day is by keeping a gratitude journal. This is how I started and is something I have continued to do over the years. I keep it by my bed and before I close my eyes I write 3 things that I was grateful for that day. Maybe it was the barista at my coffee shop for shouting me a coffee because I left my wallet at home or my partner for watching Hux so I could take a nice hot shower in peace. Big or small write it down.

What to do:

  • For one week, write a list of things you are grateful for in your life each morning or evening. Dig deep into why these things brought you gratitude and ask yourself, why am I grateful for this?

  • Write a letter of gratitude to a friend or family member. These are the people in our lives that continue to love and support us however sometimes we forget to simply thank them for all that they have done. Imagine receiving a letter like this, think of how it will feel for them and you never know when someone might need a little pick me up.

During the day try and focus on more moments like these. Instead of getting angry because you got another red light take this as a chance to take a few breaths and a moment of quiet amongst the chaos.

Don’t worry, becoming more mindful of your thoughts and surroundings takes time. Just like you exercise your body you can exercise your mind to view and experience the world in a different way. A few minutes each day is all it takes.

Gratitude is a powerful catalyst for happiness. It’s the spark that lights a fire of joy in your soul.
— Amy Collette

With gratitude comes mindfulness. As we slow our mind and body down we become more aware of our surroundings, something we seem to so easily become unaware of as we run around our busy days. We get so focused on the next task and place that we miss the whole journey along the way.

We are living on autopilot, something that happens when we lose focus, have to much on our to do lists or feel a little lost in this big wide world. Maybe you have been doing the same thing day in day out. You wake up, go to work, come home, have dinner, sleep and repeat...for 5 days straight! We forget that in between all this is a thing called life, something we are supposed to be living. So beautiful I am going to help you take in more of those sweet sweet moments in between all the hustle and bustle.

Mindfulness helps us slow down bringing our awareness to the present moment simply just being. We notice our breath, our thoughts, our feelings and our surroundings. Practising mindfulness is one of the healthiest ways to calm your mind and relieve stress and anxiety. It helps you focus and clear your mind from clutter and noise. It can be used at any given point in your day to help you feel grounded and connected and is one of the most powerful tools you can use throughout your life.


When starting out I find doing this in the morning the most beneficial. Creating space in your mind first thing sets up your whole day. I believe that how you start your day is how you go about the rest of the day. So here is a simple exercise you can infuse into your mornings.

  • Sit in a comfortable position either on the edge of your bed or crossed legged on the floor.

  • Close your eyes and place one hand on your heart and the other on your belly just below your belly button.

  • Take a deep breath in feeling your stomach rise under your hand followed by your chest.

  • Pause. Feel your heart beating under your hand before exhaling.

  • Rest your hands on top of your thighs.

  • What can you hear? Maybe some birds chirping or the wind in the trees. Take a moment to listen and observe.

  • Another deep breath in, pause, and out.

  • Feel the temperature of the air on your skin, what does it feel like? What else can you notice? Maybe a scent of someone cooking in the distance, the taste of your morning coffee. Take a moment to ignite all these sensations.

  • Now blink open your eyes and take one more deep breath in and out.

Journal Prompt:

How do you feel before the practice?

How do you feel after?

What came up for you during the practice?

Did you find and part of this difficult? Which part?

How else could you practice mindfulness during your day?

How amazing was that? So simple yet so incredibly powerful for your mind and body. 

For the next week I would love for you to incorporate this practice into your day. Find a time that suits you and allow yourself 5 minutes to just be.

Each time write down and answer the questions above. At the end of your day write down and answer this question:

How did mindfulness help me during the day on an emotional and physical level?

I am so excited for you to start living between the busyness of life and to start enjoying the beauty we are surrounded with each and every day. Below are some ideas that will help ignite your creativity when it comes to living mindfully and maybe spark some ideas for you.

I hope those ideas helped you think of more ways or reminded you of some beautiful ways you can be mindful each day. When you start practicing mindfulness you become more intune not only with the world around you but also your intuition.

 Being mindful of your activities/thoughts and how they will impact your future goals is the first step. Before jumping in to another task or saying yes to something simply check in with yourself and how it makes you feel. If it’s not a big heck yes then is it really worth it? If it makes you feel sick in the stomach is it really what you want? Acknowledge these feelings first before making a decision and notice how different you feel.

Self Confidence


Everything you have experienced up until now has shaped who you are today. The good, the bad and the ugly has influenced you in some way or another and although I am not one to live in the past, I strongly believe in acknowledging all that we have been through even if it brings up some major emotions. Bringing peace to the past and knowing that all you have done has brought you to this exact moment, you are exactly where you are meant to be. 

There are many things that I am not proud of but all my failures and mistakes have allowed me to learn, grow and expand into the person I am right at this very moment. Without these ‘life lessons’ as I call them, I might not be sitting here today writing this for you..

So I want to say this to you beautiful. Never be ashamed, disappointed or angry because of your past, that time has come and gone. I want you to stop and take a look around you and see how far you have come. The feelings that are still there are important but wont serve the person you are becoming. Instead think, feel and act on the life you want to live. 

In saying that don’t fear those emotions that are still there. It is healthy to express emotions, it’s when we let them consume us that we are not able to grow and move forward. Freeing yourself of these emotions is powerful and that is exactly what we are going to do.

So plant your own gardens and decorate your own soul, instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers.
— Jorge Luis Borges

First, let’s create some awareness:

Journal Prompt:

Think of anything from your past that could be holding you back from achieving your goals, Write them down.

Why is this limiting you?

How can you overcome this? Write 3 actions you can take to make peace with the past.

What person, place or thing in your life right now is depleting you rather then energising you? Write down what comes to mind.

Now I want you to pick one thing from this list to release and let go. What action steps do you need to take for this to happen? Write it down and schedule it in to your week to keep yourself accountable. 

By doing this you are starting to live a more purposeful life by only doing things that light you up staying true to who you are and your values. Listen to your gut and what feels right for you.


Now that we are aware it’s time to let go. Start by letting go of the words ‘failure’ and ‘not worthy’. Instead replace these with ‘learning’ and ‘deserving’. By changing the way we speak about ourselves we are empowering our inner goddess to shine bright and tall. So in saying that let’s give ourselves a little confidence boost and to do that we must let go of the old so we can fully embrace what’s to come.

We all have a story we tell ourselves “I am too overweight for someone to love me” I’m not good enough to succeed because I don’t have what she has”. Sometimes these stories that replay in our minds is what is holding us back from releasing and growing and stopping us from living a truly happy thriving life. 

Nothing in your past has to define your future and that is what I want to show you. It’s time to release and reclaim your future beautiful, click below to start now.

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Finding your voice again is so empowering. We often fear speaking up because of how others may perceive us, other times we self sabotage when we slip up. This is when we allow those emotions to overcome us and our thoughts. We all have an inner mean girl, you know the one! The voice that criticises and judges yourself, your actions and those around you. We listen and allow ourselves to fall victim to these false claims, holding on believing every last word.

This was me,

“I’m too fat, noone truly likes me, they are just using me, I have already eaten 2 biscuits I may as well eat the whole packet”. What!? How does that even make sense? Listening to these thoughts won’t help you flourish, they are just bringing you further away from the person you wish to be. If you slip up once and listen to your mean girl, it doesn’t mean throw in the towel. It means you will do better next time and that is ok! One ‘failure’ is another lesson ‘learned”.

Once you realise that the only person responsible for your health and happiness is staring back at you in the mirror your life will change. It is time to take charge of your life and trust that the universe has your back as you let go of these stories. 

“Noone has the power to take away who you are meant to be”

Live as if you are already her….

You are not the stories you tell yourself, not what you think or how you feel. You are what you do! It’s your actions not just your thoughts that bring you closer to your goals, it’s called inspired action. Inspired action means taking small steps towards your goal and moving through the fear of failure.

Shifting your beliefs is a huge part of taking inspired action, letting go of what might not work and embracing what could. Through belief, commitment and inspired action you will be unstoppable. Embrace your why and tune into that can do mindset to step into the person you desire to be.


Journal Prompt:

List 3 qualities you want to embody:




What actions, skills or behaviours do you need to take to attain them?

Now, break down those actions, skills and behaviours into small daily goals.

Focus on doing one each day even if it is small. Which one will you do today?

This is so powerful and it’s not often we get to choose who we want to be so take this as a chance for you to start fresh despite your past or fears. 


Having a healthy posture is something that seems to get overlooked a lot and I for one have had a terrible posture ever since primary school. I was a lot taller than most kids so I purposely would ‘shrink’ myself down in order to feel more ‘normal’ and well now that habit has stuck and it is something I am working on everyday. 

Our posture is more than how we look when we stand or sit, it is also a reflection of how we see ourselves. We often will hide and protect ourselves through our posture and that is why I have added this into the topic of self confidence. Standing tall with your shoulders backs boosts your confidence to a whole new level. It is shining your heart forward and lifting your head to the sky, it’s showing the world that you are happy and confidant and that nothing is going to stop you. It can change your mindset and help you feel a whole less stressed.

  1. Being conscious of how your are standing/sitting is the best place to start as most of the time we are oblivious to our posture. 

  2. When you notice your shoulders scooping forward, bring them up towards your ears and roll them down and back. This is how you should be standing.

  3. Tuck your pelvis under slightly to protect your lower back.

  4. Don’t forget to breathe and smile beautiful :)

    Journal Prompt:

    Paying attention to how you stand, would you say you have good or poor posture?

    Do you notice times of the day when you are more scooped over? When are they?

    What thoughts come to mind when you think about your posture? Insecure, confidant?

    Do you feel you lack confidence in yourself? Why?

    If you had an unlimited supply of confidence, what would you do?

    Which one of these will you challenge yourself to do this week? You have got this!


Start living as if your dreams have already come true..png

Our mind is much more powerful than you think.. To put it briefly I look at manifestation as using mindfulness to fulfill your life’s purpose. Tapping into your thoughts, feelings and actions and directing them towards a specific goal. Why I am talking about this with you is that manifestation allows you to live a life of purpose, keeping your goals insight and helping you stay true to your values. Pretty much living each day as if all your dreams have already come true. Can you imagine that? If we actually started living the life we are trying to create? 

Essentially you are seeing, feeling and living as though all your dreams and goals have already come into fruition. How epic is that!? By tapping into this each day you will be amazed just how much it can positively impact your day and life and those around you.


Manifesting takes time, planning and for you to really tap into being mindful of your thoughts and actions. It’s not as easy as thinking, wishing and believing otherwise we would all be millionaires living on a tropical island and I don’t know about you but that definitely hasn’t happened for me. It really takes commitment, belief and action so if you are ready to start turning dreams into reality, let's jump right in.


It’s all in your head,

Understand that you can create your destiny long before it comes to fruition, living as if your intention has already become reality. By spending time feeling into your intention everyday you are manifesting your dreams into existence.

Brainstorm ways you can alter your everyday routines to live as though your intention is already your reality. Connect these actions to the feelings you associate with your intention:

Now, I want you to let go of the how. Once you have set your goal and the motivation (feeling) behind it, simply let go of how it will come to fruition. To help you surrender to your intention you can use a mantra to help you such as “This or something better”. Focus on what your heart is telling you and be guided by that.

Manifestation of your dreams doesn’t always come easily, so it’s important to have some healthy tools up your sleeve when it comes to having a clear and positive mindset. Your mindset can mean everything when you are faced with a tough situation or even when you are aiming at achieving a goal. Having a healthy and positive mindset can be the difference between living a life of abundance and success to a life of stress and uncertainty and I for one know which one I would prefer.

Think of achieving your goals having 3 parts:

  •  You desire to achieve it

  • The intention behind it

  • The commitment and action it takes to get there

When it comes to training your mindset for success think of your mind as 3% consciousness (your will and determination) and 97% subconscious (habits, breathing, digestion). Our subconscious does what it’s used to doing which is why we need to strengthen our conscious mind. This will help you focus and tap into the reason why you are here.

Your goals and intentions are first a thought, then a feeling before coming a physical thing. This is why our actions and results are heavily reflected by our mindset. So let’s take a look at the mindset principal training guide below to help create a more nourished mindset.


So beautiful, don’t let fear or success get in your way of living the life you want.


How can you fear success? Yep you read that right, sometimes the thought of achieving our goals is scary. It means that we may have to take on more responsibility, put in more time and effort to get there and even the thought of us not being worthy enough can all stand in our way.. We can get so comfortable in the journey that the thought of reaching our destination can set us back. So it’s time to embrace the uncertainty and take that leap forward.

Journal Prompt:

What does success mean to you?

What does being successful look like? (be specific)

What does it bring you?

What is the worst thing that could happen if you could succeed?

What’s in the way of your success?

How could you train your mindset to help you succeed?

Being kind and present with your thoughts when evaluating your goals and dreams is a start. Tap into that feeling, that buzzing in your heart that lets you know you are a magical being destined for more. Looking at what might be holding you back and changing your thoughts around it is more powerful than you can ever imagine. It’s time to start living as if life is rigged in your favour.

Discover your Values



So as you would have gathered, mindset plays a HUGE part in how we live our lives. The way we think about things affects the choices we make and how we treat ourselves and others. Not only that but it has the ability to lower our confidence, question our trust and our purpose. Luckily you now have the tools to kick any negative thoughts in the butt and radiate nothing but positivity. 

However, sometimes you will find these thoughts and feelings still come up, after all we are only human and the difference is you now know how created a mindset of awareness and growth and are empowered to turn sand into fairy dust. So if this does happen beautiful let’s chat about how you can get yourself out of this funk in the healthiest way possible.

When we find ourselves falling into this funk it can be really tricky to find your feet again.  We are so hard on ourselves at times and can be our own worst enemy and this is where our funk can turn into an emotional rollercoaster. So how do we get ourselves of funky town? Well beautiful it is all about creating awareness and finding the tools that will serve you the most.

Start living as if your dreams have already come true. (1).png

Journal Prompt:

When faced with a problem or a down day, start by asking yourself these questions:

Who are you as a person in this very moment? What values do you hold and how are you showing up for yourself today physically and emotionally? Be radically honest here, there is no right or wrong answer lovely.
Is this the person you wish to be? How is it different?
How big is the issue I am facing on a scale of 1-10? (1 being small)
Am I going to bounce back quickly or will it consume me falling deeper into these emotions?
Am I willing to let this happen? What will the outcome be?
Is this going to help me become the person I want to be inside and out?
If you already were this person how would they respond?
What is stopping you from doing this?
What is1 thing you could do right now that will help you feel better?

Your only limit is your mind (2).png

These are some pretty eye opening questions but hold so much power when you are faced with negativity. Creating awareness is key and that is exactly what these questions do. No matter what the problem is you can always come back to these.

Once you have created awareness it is time to infuse more joy into your life so we have less down days and more days filled with the things you love and that light you up. Whenever I am feeling down I choose to do something off my joy menu. This helps me from turning to binge eating, overthinking and suppressing my emotions and allows me to create some space to process, rise and conquer the challenge ahead. Not to mention creates more time for some self care which we all need more of.

To create your joy menu you first need to know what your highest values are. Your highest values is what means the most to you. This could be your health, your family, your job, travel, it could be anything and is different for everyone. So let’s find out what your values are by completing the following activity.

I honestly love this activity and defining your values allows you to have a clearer understanding of what you want in life and how you want to live it. Our values influence us in so many ways and by choosing to live each and everyday according to these values, you are guiding yourself to living a life of purpose, love and most of all happiness. 

Journal Prompt:

So now ask yourself, do you currently live your day according to your core values?

How can you infuse more of these into your day?

How would that make you feel?

Vision Boards

If you are a visual person like myself then you will LOVE this next activity. Not only does it allow you to physically see your goals but it is also a great way to unlock your creativity. 

Creativity is the ability to create things, it’s the ability to make connections between existing ideas and to come up with fresh solutions to problems. Being more creative gives you more space to process your emotions, reduce stress and minimise anxiety which sounds pretty good to me.

As children our creativity flows freely,  however as we grow up it slowly disappears so it’s important that we help unleash this creative energy so we can continue to be happy and healthy.

Reviving your creative energy can be done in so many ways but for now let’s talk about vision boards. Vision boards are a compilation of words, pictures and photos of the goals you would like to achieve. This could be personal goals, professional goals or even a vision of the life you are trying to create.


Create your vision board

  • First set an intention for your vision board. What will it represent? Think if your values and base it around them.

  • Choose a foundation. Either a corkboard, scrapbook or even and online platform like pinterest.

  • Get the materials you need such as pins, clips, pens and any decorative things you might like to use.

  • With your intention in mind collect photos, pictures, words, colours and anything else that represents your vision.

  • Assembling them as you feel best represents what you would like to achieve. Some people like to keep it simple by selecting things that represent their yearly goals whilst others like to create their biggest and wildest dreams. For your first one I suggest thinking about what you would like to create for yourself for the year. Once the year has gone you can redo your vision board to represent your new vision.

  • Sit this board somewhere you will see it each day to remind you of the life you are trying to create. This will mean tapping into those manifesting vibes.

  • Once you have accomplished something simply remove the picture and add a new one and if something no longer aligns with your goals you can remove it.

It is amazing how much this helps you visualise and manifest these thoughts into reality.

Your only limit is your mind (3).png

The power of affirmations

The practice of positive affirmations has been used for many moons to help cultivate thoughts into reality. Using affirmations helps you to create a positive mindset and a feeling of self empowerment. I love using these in all areas of my life, it is like a little note from the universe letting you know that it has your back. 


Whether it is self doubt that is holding you back, past experiences or the fear of the unknown, affirmations will help support and encourage you to face the fear and do it anyway. Each week you will receive an affirmation or mantra in our newsletter designed to support you during the week. It gives you something to come back to in times of need and will be empowering you to put your best foot forward.

Affirmations need to be said, felt and believed so really think about what you are wanting to create. They are personal and unique so you might feel as though one resonates with you more and that is all part of the beauty.

Below I have attached some of my morning affirmations to help you get started and to see what it is all about. Once you are comfortable using them you will be able to create your own. Either write them in your phone, set them as your screensaver or even as a reminder to pop up every few hours on your phone. These are great ways to help and remind you of your intentions.  

Restore your Happiness

Happiness starts within.png

It’s hard to think that over time we loose sight of what actually makes us happy. We start to feel tired, unmotivated and a little lost in who we really are. Why? Well for me it was because I stopped doing the things that made me smile. I got more ‘serious’ as I got older as I thought that’s what happens when you become an adult. Boy was I wrong! All it did was create a life that I didn’t enjoy living. Doing things just because and not having a vision in sight.

The moment I put my hands in the air and said ‘ this isn’t for me’ was the moment things changed.

Part of resetting and restoring your mindset and happiness is being able to acknowledge areas in your life that lack the attention they need. By not addressing these areas we slowly start to feel depleted, lack motivation and our happiness and well-being suffer.

So the last piece of this puzzle is to see where you may need to put a little more love and attention. I have a few fire questions that I encourage you to answer. These questions are designed to enable you to see how simple daily actions affect your well-being and how a lack of action in one area can zap your energy and mindset. My aim here is for you to be able to recognise where your imbalances are and find ways to restore them. For each yes give yourself a score of 1.

Journal Prompt:

Do you get 7-8 hours of adequate sleep?

Do you exercise regularly?

Do you surround yourself with things that make you happy?

Are your belongings decluttered and organised?

Do you nourish your relationships on a daily basis?

Do you work on self knowledge and awareness?

What is your score out of 6?

What area do you think you could work on?

What will you do today to bring more balance to this area?

How did you go? Use the circle of life to help link any of these you may need to work on. This could mean creating a night time routine to help you sleep or looking up some yummy recipes to cook at home.



Here is that word again..Motivation!

It’s something we know we need but sometimes lack right? It comes and goes and we aren’t quite sure where it actually comes from but it’s there (most of the time anyway).

You see the thing with motivation is that we rely on it to get things done. This isn’t a bad thing as it can really push us to pursue our goals and dreams, moving mountains and creating magic but what happens when we don’t have it? What do we do then?

Well lovely, that is what I want to teach you. I want to show that motivation isn’t always going to be there, you aren’t always going to want to move mountains, somedays you would rather lay on your back watching clouds float past you and that’s ok. We aren’t supposed to be hustling 24/7 so don’t ever get down on yourself if you are having ‘one of those days’.

Sometimes you have just got to let life do it’s thing while you take the passenger seat.

But what if you have really misplaced your motivation? Now I’m talking it’s been weeks of watching the clouds float by.

Well girl, it’s time to find that spark again, to start feeling yourself and find your purpose once again.

This happened to me just after I had Hux. My life had flipped all in a matter of a day and after a month flew by I found myself sitting trying to piece together what the heck I was supposed to be doing. Obviously I surrendered to being a new mum BUT I had zero motivation to do any of the things I used to do. I felt a little stuck on what I was supposed to do next. Little did I know that this was the beginning of a new chapter for, learning and navigating my way through motherhood and realigning my focus and motivation.

So what actually is motivation? Motivation is when you act out of desire towards a goal or task. There are different kinds of motivation: Physical, emotional and visual are the ones we are going to chat about. Knowing your source of motivation is important as it can help you not only decide what action is going to be the most beneficial, but will also give you your why. Why you want to do something, what the purpose is and how that will make you feel.

Nearly everything we do for our wellbeing and health comes back to our core intention, our big why we set ourselves when we start our journey here in the Health Haven. If what you are doing doesn’t somehow circle back around to this then that motivation you are looking for will fade very quickly, why? It doesn’t align with your core values, your belief system and the life you envision for yourself.

So beautiful, what I am trying to say is that without a strong why, intention, core belief, whatever you want to call it, you will find motivation hard to create and keep.

I will be honest with you….

I rarely use the word motivation. I feel it is misinterpreted a lot of the time and is why people feel they need to rely on it to achieve anything. Like I mentioned above, it comes and goes so we need to learn to pivot when our ‘motivation’ disappears.

Instead I like to use the word inspiration. I feel we can always find something that inspires us, that lights up our soul, that we are passionate about and that brings us an overwhelming sense of joy.

Your why or intention should do just this. It should make you smile from ear to ear, your heart get excited, your mind alive with possibilities. So if you are lacking inspiration, it’s time to go back and revisit the start of this haven and reset your intentions and find out your true values.

Life changes, you change and that is the beauty of life so if you are stuck in a funk and can’t seem to find your way out maybe things have changed around you and you are yet to adjust to this new life you have created and that is ok. Take some time now to reset yourself.


Journal Prompt:

What was your why/intention when you first started in The Health Haven?

What is it now?

How has it changed? Why has it changed?

On a scale of 1-10 (10 being amazing), how motivated are you right now in taking action towards your why/goals?

How does that make you feel?

What are the reasons for this?

What do you think could change for you to feel inspired again? What do you need to do?

If you could do one thing today to take inspired action what would it be?

Do it beautiful, what is stopping you? You are so worthy of this life and everything you create. Everything you do today is for you tomorrow and for the years to come. Make it count, make it so amazing that you jumping with joy and that your are shining brighter than ever.

If you are still unsure I would love you to go back to the start and revisit your goals and intentions. Reevaluate why you are here and what your next step can be. It is normal to go through times like these but remember you are always supported here and there is always somewhere to turn to in The Health Haven and in our private FB group. We are here to help you through this every step of the way. It could be as simple as filling up your cup again in one of the areas of the circle of life so have fun resetting beautiful, you have got this!

Shifting your Perspective


One of the greatest tools you have is the ability to become aware of and shift your mindset. Throughout your life many things will impact the way you see and respond to a situation. This maybe your parents, siblings, teachers, Television or even friends.

Most of the time we are unaware that we adapt these belief systems until we grow up and become more independent and start learning and growing on our own.

Shifting your perspective starts with really becoming aware of your thoughts and what has influenced them and then recognising what the truth actually is. 2020 has been a very unstable crazy year of ups and downs, so many people have lost so much and it is easy to get stuck in a negative way of thinking allowing other people’s opinions influence how we react and respond.

It is important to feel emotions, it’s how we heal however we have 2 choices:

  1. Sit, dwell and let it consume us or..

  2. Feel, acknowledge and grow.

So how do you get out of the ‘lack’ mentality? Acknowledge and honour where you are right now. Stop focusing on where you think you should be and focus on where you are right now. Begin here beautiful.

Be the light in your given circumstances
— Gabby Bernstein

Once you have shifted from a state of lack,

You open up a whole world of opportunities. You shift to be able to attract and receive elevating you to the next level. What opportunities have opened up for you? Is this the chance you have been waiting for to create something magical? Everything you need is within you beautiful, you just have to start believing and creating.



As a mum, well I’ll be honest even before that I tried to juggle EVERYTHING! Now I mean I could have 4 things happening at once! You know, like when you go food shopping and you think you can carry all of your bags at once to save you another trip? Yep, just like that and as you know you might make it but you are left with numb arms and a sore back!

Sometimes we think we are being ‘productive’ but really we are only causing another area of our life to suffer. I guess what I am trying to say is that there is a difference between being productive and burning yourself out. Now don’t worry we have all been there, guilty of burning the candle at both ends, but the difference between then and now is you!

By joining The Health Haven you have made a statement. You are putting yourself first! You are sending a message that you are ready to learn more about yourself and your life, you are saying no to the things that make you feel yuck! and drawing in more of the stuff that makes you feel AMAZING!! It is stepping into the person who lights up the room purely because you are so happy and content in your life. So beautiful, burning yourself out trying to ‘get it all done’ just isn’t an option.

So this is why I want to chat to you about productivity. Why? By taking a few simple and nourishing steps to organise your day/life you are setting yourself up to be the best version of you! I know it sounds a little ‘woo woo’ but it’s the honest truth. Imagine driving in a new country without a map? You would feel lost, helpless, stressed with no clear sense of direction right? So why would we do that to ourselves day in day out? By following these steps I have taken those icky feelings away and am able to show up each day ready to conquer the world and I know that you will to.


So firstly,

you need to acknowledge what’s NOT working for you right now. If you are starting your day feeling stressed and overwhelmed why is that?

Or perhaps you start your day on such a positive note but by the time night time comes around you are ready to pull you hair out! This means that something in your day isn’t aligning with you, that something just isn’t working and we need to discover what that is.

Journal Prompt:

Think about your day.

At what part of your day do you start to feel stressed/anxious?

What is causing this?

Why is that?

Maybe you are trying to do too much? Or juggling too many things and aren’t able to put 100% of your focus to doing them properly or maybe there is something stopping you from getting started?

Whatever it is write it down and think about why you feel this way. What part of it makes you feel stressed? how can we change this?

Once you have written down the answers to these journal prompts I would love for you to download this checklist:

This is exactly how I go about my work day and even just a regular day. I have tried and tested so many morning routines but this one is the winner. You will read things like ‘soulful moments’ and ‘personal pockets’, these are a must! They all you to look after yourself whilst having a super productive day. They key here is to plan your day and not just fill it with work stuff, ensure you have equal part play in there GF otherwise you will end the day exhausted and we deserve more than that!

Some may work amazingly for you while others might need some tweaking to suit your lifestyle. For me my soulful moment starts once I have made sure Hux is fed and happy which is totally fine so adapt where needed.