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Our bodies are incredible. They carry us from birth to our last day on earth, contantly breathing, regenerating, pumping blood, digesting, absorbing, thinking, creating life and that is just skimming the top of what our beautiful bodies do for us every single day. Overtime we get complacent with all that our body does for us, I guess we get so used to it doing it’s thing that we forget that what we choose to fuel our body with and the way we treat it has a HUGE affect on how it functions.

Not only food but many other elements in our life can affect the way our body works. Things like stress, sleep, sickness, exercise, injury and your mental health all play a vital role in the functioning of your body. Luckily we are seeing a rise in the self care world and we a realising that we need to start showing our body the love and attention is so deserves. This can be tricky, especially when we struggle loving and accepting certain parts of ourselves. So beautiful, this is where I come in.

The way I move and see my body has changed so much over the past 5 years. I used to think that going to the gym 5 days a week for an hour each time and being restrictive with my foods would help me achieve the ‘perfect body’ well, I can tell you it did not. I thought that weighing a certain weight would mean that I would finally love my body but all it did was keep pushing my ‘goal’ further and further away. Luckily this isn’t the way I see or think about movement and my body. I am hoping this will change for you too. You will find as your life changes around you so will your mindset and motivation. The way you look at exercise and the way you eat will reflect the way you see yourself and once you get there, it is a beautiful and proud moment.

Living beyond the perfect body

“Your physical body doesn’t define your worth”
— Blissful Health with Emma

I was never truly happy with my body instead when I got to a certain weight I would put more pressure on myself to look a certain way. I wanted a 6 pack, toned arms and legs, the list went on. This happens to so many people, why? Because my why was for all the wrong reasons. It’s because we are looking for validation from others, not ourselves, it’s because we think that if we look a certain way that it will bring us all the happiness in the world and that beautiful is far from the truth.

I am going to be really honest with you and I don’t think I have shared this with anyone until now. It wasn’t until I fell pregnant and possibly right before we did IVF that I really let go of this conception of a ‘perfect body’. I was told by my health care professionals that I needed to eat and rest more if I wanted to be able to fall and hold a pregnancy. This meant cutting back at the gym, changing the way I exercised and consume MORE food (What!?) Yep, more healthy carbs, protein and fats and more gentle ways of movements, this of course meant slowing down which was something I was never good at but I took their advice and it was one of the best things I could have done.

I started being more conscious of the food I ate, I gave myself permission to have rice with dinner and enjoy a bit of dark chocolate more. I enjoyed incorporating more walks and yoga into my week and mostly I LOVED the feeling of slowing down and embracing these small but wonderful things that I had been missing out on. This was the start of my true self love journey but even more my body love journey.


So let’s check in and see how you are going. This is a safe place where you can be raw and honest, no holding back beautiful. This is your journey and I want to help you learn to love the skin you’re in and embrace it with a big HELL YEAH!


Journal Prompt:

So lovely, what does the ‘perfect body’ look like to you?

What makes it perfect?

Do you think achieving this would make you truly happy or searching for more?

Where do you think this ideal picture came from? Is this true for you?

Do you tend to pick your body apart focusing on what you don’t like?

Are these thoughts showing you love or hate?

Would you say these things to your best friend? How do you think they would feel if you did?

How would you feel?

If your friend told you that she had the same insecurities as you what advice or positive words would you give them?

Now letting those words infuse into your mind. What do you think needs to change for you to start adapting this mindset and start loving and accepting your body?

For a moment I want you to close your eyes, think about what life would be like if you woke up each day body positive, if you could love and accept your body for what it is. Just take a moment to free your mind of judgment and fear and just soak in all that love and gratitude.

 Write down everything you just felt. 

How would your day be different? What things would you feel more confident to do? How would your life change if you loved the skin you're in?

What is stopping you beautiful?

You are enough, you always have been. No number on the scales or likes on social media will ever make you feel as good as the love you give to yourself and body. Your body, your vessel is far more important than living with judgment and fear.

The moment you let go and start consciously living with intention and come from a place of love, your world will change for the better. 

It’s time to celebrate the beauty we all have; the curves, the stretch marks, freckles, our squiggy bits, all that we are and what it reflects. A beautiful, working and sacred being.

The relationship you have with yourself sets the tone for every other relationship in your life

It takes time to learn to love yourself, it takes daily practise and patience with yourself. Each morning you wake up and look at yourself in the mirror, place your hand on your heart and say thank you. Thank you for breathing, for your heart pumping, for your brain thinking and processing and for your stomach for digesting and nourishing. 

A simple yet beautiful practise of gratitude to start stepping into that body confident mindset. Now when those negative thoughts arise you will find it easier to let them go and start focusing on what IS beautiful about your body and acknowledging the journey it has been on.

There are a few key things you can focus on at home that will help support you on your self love journey. These will help your body feel its absolute best and will help you change the way you feel and see your body. Simple self care acts for nourishing your body.

Admire yourself as you do others

I want you to sit down and think of the 3 people you admire the most. This could be family, friends, influencers whoever they are I want you to write down the things you admire most about them. What are they? I bet you not one of those things are to do with how they look? That’s because your body or looks DO NOT define you as a person. People love you for the person you are inside not by the clothes you wear or if you’re wearing makeup and definitely not by the way you look. So beautiful admire yourself just like you do them, see your own qualities that others see in you and celebrate them on every level.

You’re physical appearance DOES NOT define your worth girlfriend, read that again outloud…. Embrace yourself and celebrate the beauty that you are inside and out..


Listening to your body

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Psst…your body has something it wants to tell you.

Stop, breath and feel. This beautiful, is how you begin to listen to your body.

How many times have you heard the phrase ‘listen to your body’?

Well lovely you will probably read it again and again in The Health Haven and it may take a little while but one day it will click and you will totally get what it means. 

When I first heard it, I had no idea what it meant. I thought my body was going to speak and give me some words of wisdom but I got nothing but crickets. It wasn’t until a couple years ago that it clicked and I knew exactly what it meant. It’s about listening and being aware of your body's signals. If you are yawning and reaching for extra cups of coffee your body is telling you to rest as you are tired not to keep pushing and fuel your body with caffeine. Or maybe you are bloated with stomach pains, your body is telling you that something is up, to take it easy on the food and instead help it heal and get better. 

The problem is we are so caught up and living life on autopilot that we simply miss these cues from our body and instead cover them up and keep going with our day. It isn’t until we become really sick, injured or exhausted that we actually sit and become aware of what is going on. 

Once I started listening to my body and became more aware of its needs and wants I felt so much better within myself and found that a lot of my digestive issues and stress melted away. 


So, how the heck do you start to listen to your body?

Well girl, it all starts with a simple question….

What does my body need?

The tricky part? Remembering to ask yourself this. It comes back to mindfulness, being present and mindful of where you are and what you are doing. For example, before you reach for your 3rd cup of coffee simply ask yourself; is this what my body needs?  9/10 the answer is no! 

Then ask yourself; what does my body need? Is it a drink of water because you are thirsty? Maybe you are bored and are looking for something that brings you joy or maybe it’s a sign to have an early night.

This is just one way of listening to your body but can be applied in so many areas of your life.

So let’s do a little exercise to help you get a little more intune with your body:

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Journal Prompt:

Thinking back to any signals your body might have given you in the past week. What is it saying no to?

What is it saying it needs more of?

What do you need to do to help heal or restore your body?


You have the power to stimulate your body’s self healing mechanism. Given half the chance the body can heal itself, we just need to learn to listen.

When you become more intune with your body you will naturally start making healthier lifestyle decisions from the food you eat, the way you move your body to the actions you take each day. You will start living more out of purpose and less from auto pilot and it’s freaking amazing girl!

So, how will you start listening to your body this week?


One thing that might come up for you when you start becoming more intune with your body is exhaustion. Getting away from busyness allows our body to catch up. So I am giving you permission to SLOW DOWN! There is a reason you feel tired and find it hard to wake up, your body needs rest. Let go of the mum guilt or the pressure of exams and work, It’s time to start honouring your natural rhythm.

As women we tend to feel that unless we are super busy we aren’t being productive, this could not be further from the truth. Take it from me, someone who really struggles ‘taking it easy’. It has taken me a LONG time to get out of this mindset and realise that rest and slowing down is just as if not more important than ticking off your list of things to do. So enjoy this journey you are embarking on and learn to take some time just for you.

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I don’t know about you but I used to cringe at the word exercise. All I could think of was running, burpees and box jumps. Now for some people this is what they love but it just isn’t something I could do everyday so instead I started using the word movement. Why? Because exercise or movement means something different to each of us and to me as long as we are moving our body we are on the right path.

Before we dive in, I would like to make a disclaimer. If you are following a personal plan at a gym or have injuries I would recommend checking in with your personal trainer to see what would be best for you and if you have any medical conditions, please check with your health practitioner first. I am not a professional trainer or doctor so always check in with your health practitioner first before making any changes. These are people who I love working alongside and always value their advice so please check in and we can work with their recommendations.

So what exactly is movement? It’s any physical activity that gets your body moving! It improves your mental and physical health, it relieves stress and tension and gives our body the gift of energy, strength and focus. Our bodies are made to move however with work, cars, computers and televisions we simply don’t move as much as we should.

Movement has so many positive effects on the body from increased brain function, improved memory, increased circulation, helps improve bone strength, makes a happy and healthy heart, can help keep your regular if you know what I mean, strengthens your muscles and can improve your sleep quality.  Our body thrives when we move it!

There are so many ways to incorporate movement into your life. You could walk, run, dance, do yoga or pilates, box, swim, play sports or even take the stairs each day. It really can be so many things and will be completely unique to you and the lifestyle you live.

Journal Prompt:

When deciding what’s right for you there are a few things to consider:

Do you prefer working out indoors or out in nature?

Are you a morning person or afternoon person?

Do you like to workout solo or with a friend?

How are you feeling, what does your body need?

These are great questions and will probably change each week so check in with yourself and move the way that serves you the most.

So GF, do you currently move your body? List the ways you currently incorporate movement into your life?

Is it something you look forward to doing or does it feel more like a chore?

Does the way you currently move your body support your emotional and physical health? Why?

How can you incorporate more movement into your life? 

What do you feel your body needs more of?


Movement should be fun! The words ‘exercise’ and ‘working out’ are enough to put us off sometimes, it makes us feel obligated to be active so think of it as an act of self love. Gifting yourself the feeling of good health and energy. Moving our bodies is a way for us to create an outlet for built up stress and tension. This is vital for us to be able to manage our stress, achieve balance, soften muscles and joints but most importantly create more happiness in our lives. 

To help get you started I have added some helpful tips below. Use these as a guide to help you start your movement journey. I have also added a movement planner to help you plan your week and keep yourself accountable. 

Let’s get moving and grooving girl!


Balancing exercise, food and life

This is where most people get a little lost and put both hands in the air and wave a white flag. Juggling work, family, social outings and daily tasks can be hard at the best of times, so fitting in some form of movement can be tricky and is normally the first thing to get pushed aside. Don’t worry, I have been there. 

Does this sound familiar? You finally find an exercise routine that suits you and fits in nicely with your lifestyle then bam! You go on holiday, have visitors or end up working late and it flys completely out the window...right?? Holy moly do I feel you girl.

This is why it is important to be flexible, nothing is set in stone and things change all the time so creating a routine around this is so important. It is great to have a plan for the week but have a plan B just in case, this way you are setting yourself up for success and learn to easily adapt to life's changes.

So for the first part of this exercise I want you to find out what movement best suits you and your lifestyle. Answer and write down your answers below.

Journal Prompt:

How much time each day can you dedicate to movement? During the week you may have less time where on weekends you may have more.

Think of different ways you can move your body within this time frame: Remember to choose a range of things to help balance the body. This could be 2 or 3 things on rotation.

Do these support your current lifestyle? For example if you have a stressful job are you doing something to relax and balance your nervous system? Or if you sit a lot are you ensuring your getting your heart rate up?

Are these things that you actually enjoy? If not, what could you do instead that will inspire you to move?

What challenges may come up that could change this?

For each challenge write down a way to work through this or an exercise that you could do instead:

Amazing! Doesn’t it feel good to write down things you actually want to do? Also having a backup plan just in case we get thrown off course. These questions are to encourage you and support your exercise journey, these answers may change from time to time so it’s important to keep checking in with yourself and your needs and wants.

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I know for me the way I move my body has changed so much in this past year. I am loving my routine right now and have learned not to put too much pressure on myself as it does more damage than good. As long as you are moving your body GF you are on the right path.

If you love being able to track your movement and what works best for you then you will love my little fitness tracker. This helps you keep yourself accountable and also will help you learn what works and what doesn’t.


Moving your body is a beautiful form of self care. It’s benefits are not only felt immediately but also for years to come but like most things, we need to ensure that we have the right amount of energy to keep our bodies going and not end up fatigued. 

Luckily nature has got our backs and we have an abundance of nourishing food right at our feet. Food really is fuel so knowing what to eat to support our exercise and lifestyle is vital for a healthy and happy body.

This will be different to every single one of us so following what one person eats may not necessarily fuel you the same way. So how do we work out what we need to be eating?

Luckily by simply checking in with the way you move your body and looking at the way you live you can easily navigate your way through this and I am here to help.

Firstly, when we exercise we need to ensure that we are fueling our body with the right stuff. High intensity exercise will need different fuel to say yoga or walking. Why? Well our bodies burn calories in different ways depending on our bodies, lifestyle, weight, age etc. and the same goes for movement. So for someone who loves cardio and HIIT you may need to consume more carbs for energy as you are burning more at a faster rate, whereas someone who loves strength training or pilates may need to include more healthy proteins and fats to help muscle repair and strength.

Food for fuel

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What does that mean? Well if you have just been for a run you may love to have a post workout meal of oats and banana or maybe a nourish bowl filled with sweet potato, falafels etc. Where you had just done pilates or weights you may like a protein smoothie bowl or eggs and avocado on sourdough. 


You also need to look at your lifestyle, do you sit a lot at work or are you quite physical during the day? If you tend to sit a lot but love to eat pasta, bread and biscuits you are more likely to store excess weight as your body isn’t using the energy consumed so will ‘save it for later’. You might also feel sluggish and tired and your digestive system struggles to digest the food.

 This is a great example of how food can fuel you or floor you. In this case you might want to look at adding more vegetables into your meals like my pesto chicken zoodles or spring rice paper rolls. If you live quite an active lifestyle or have a busy day then a good balance is needed. Ensuring your meals have both healthy carbs, lean protein and a good source of fats. Something like my herby turkey burgers or blackbean tacos.


Now this can change from day to day. Especially for us mummas and study/workers where your day can be full of to do lists, cleaning, study, work, cooking etc so it will be a matter of checking in with yourself at the beginning of the day or week and planning ahead. 

If you know you have a busy day planned then you owe it to yourself to nourish your body in the right way. This could mean having roast veggies ready in the fridge, some hummus made with veggie sticks cut up or even some bliss balls ready and rolled to grab on the run.

If you are still a little unsure of how to fuel your body right then keep ready beautiful

Journal Prompt:

Ok girl let’s break it down..

Are you more physical during the day or do you have more of a slow paced day?

What food do you think would best support this lifestyle?

What food do you feel would NOT support you>

Is your plate currently representing this? How could it change?

Now for exercise, what ways do you move your body? Do these need more energising or calming foods?

Would you say that you currently eat these foods? If not, what foods could you swap?

These questions aren’t made to make you feel stressed but simply to acknowledge and show you how the food you eat can either support you or how it might be holding you back from achieving your goals. If you are still unsure lovely there are some guidelines that will help simplify all of this information for you:

  • Eat real food. Stick to wholefoods and eat the rainbow

  • Drink plenty of water, 2-3 litres a day

  • Think about food as energy and how you can best support your body throughout the day. What does your body need more of today? What does it need less of?

Simple but effective. For me if I know I am going to do more gentle movement I will stick to lighter and fresh meals like my tofu buddha bowl or chicken pesto skewers and a smoothie bowl for breakfast.

If I am doing strength yoga or a at home HIIT workout I might have sourdough with avocado or oats and berries or something with sweet potato or buckwheat pasta. These meals ensure that I am replacing my body with the energy lost and restoring it for the day ahead. 

Something else I get asked alot if pre workout foods. Not this again is different for everyone and will depend on the time of day you are moving your body, the type of movement and personal preference. I do however have a few favourite snacks/meals that I like to have pre and post workout so I thought I would add a little PDF so you can check it out and try some out for yourself.

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Moving your body should be fun! Don’t force yourself to move just because you ‘have to’, do it because you want to, do it because you love the way you feel afterwards and the way your body feels energised and strong. Do it for the feeling and celebrate that you are able to do these incredible things for yourself.

When your mindset around exercise shifts into this beautiful place it’s amazing what you are capable of. Your goals become more achievable and you feel more and more motivated to do more for you and your body. To help you start I have added a few at home workouts to get you started, no more than 15 minutes and using only your body, resistance bands and a kettlebell/dumbell. I highly recommend going to Kmart or jumping online and purchasing some. I got mine super cheap at Kmart however these can be done without as well.

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I have included some full body workouts as well as some stretching. This is my own style mixed with some yoga and various forms of exercise because I found that this is how I love to move my body. Over time you will find exercises you don’t love and that’s ok, simply swap them for another. My aim here is to empower you to be able to think on your feet and create exercises that you enjoy and can do anywhere.

Now I am not a personal trainer so like always check in with your Personal trainer or health practitioner before performing these routines. If you are good to go then let’s begin!



I wanted to touch on this for two reasons.

  1. We honestly underestimate how amazing stretching is for the body

  2. It has seriously changed my life

Yes, I know how silly that sounds but seriously it has honestly been one of the best things I have added into my life that hands down has made me feel 100 times better. Once I started, I couldn’t stop and I know when I miss a few days how much it impacts my health and wellness.

You see our body is working 24/7 and for around 17 of those hours our muscles and joints are working hard to allow us the move, walk, talk, eat, work, exercise, pretty much everything! They get tired and need fuel and rest to keep going strong.

Ok so where is the problem? It’s simple and something I never realised until I started yoga. We don’t allow ourselves time to release any built up tension within the body. What happens is that over time our muscles fatigue, they shorten and tighten to protect themselves from damage. 

Have you ever gone to touch your toes and either can’t reach or you feel a tightness in the back of your legs? That is because your muscles and joints aren’t getting the love they need. Once these muscles tighten it can then pull on your joints creating pain and injury. 

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Most of the time we are completely unaware of how tight our body is until you release the built up tension. This was the case for me anyway. It took one epic yoga session to realise that my body wasn’t supposed to feel like it had for many years. I honestly felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders, I felt light and fluid like. It was freaking amazing! 

I was wanting to move more, I could think clearer and my mood changed instantly. All because of stretching. 

The benefits of stretching

  • Increases circulation allowing more blood flow to all areas of your body

  • Improves flexibility

  • Releases fascia and allows your joints to move more fluidly

  • Balances and calm the mind

  • Reduces stress and anxiety

  • Helps you to stay active and pain free

  • Helps prevent injury

This is why I have added a few stretching videos below. It's especially important to use stretching to wind the body down after exercise. 10 minutes a day is all you need either first thing in the morning or before you go to bed and if you love trying new things like me, I encourage you to try either a yoga flow or yin yoga class. You won’t regret it!



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This is probably one of the most important subjects I can share with you. There is SO much information around this topic that I will talk more about it in the months to come. Our stress levels and the reason why we are stressed changes from week to week so it is something we are constantly dealing with and depending on the situation needs to be treated slightly differently each time. So, for now I want to educate you a little more about what stress is and how we can help manage it.

Before we delve in I wanted to share something with you. The picture to your left was taken the morning I found out I was pregnant with Huxie. We were at the end of our ‘2 week wait’ (the grueling wait you have after an IVF implentation). At this point I had no idea if it had been successful and my stress level were on an all time high. I hadn’t been the best at dealing with stress but the whole situation empowered me to really dig deep and find something that helped me feel calm and relaxed.

Stress is something we all experience from time to time and some more than others. I know for me it is something I struggled to manage for years! I suffer from anxiety so if my body is under constant stress I am guaranteed to have a break down. Stress is perceived as a badie, something that can cause us to feel unhappy and anxious however, it isn’t always a bad thing.

There are two kinds of stress we are faced with:

Positive and Negative

Stress is actually a normal response that our body receives when we are faced with different challenges from starting a new job to falling in love and is also a survival technique built into your body as a means of protection. For example, when a trigger arises (maybe a spider runs up your leg) your sympathetic nervous system switches on your fight or flight response. You either run away or try to defend yourself. 

This is a good thing however, your body can’t recognise the difference between real danger or something less serious. So when our day to day lives are busier than ever, your body is constantly getting stress signals which means sooner or later you will become exhausted and burnt out. 

Most of the time we don’t realise how much stress we are under until we go on holiday or get sick. When we are forced to rest and step away from daily activities our body is able to switch off and relax allowing us to fully be aware of how we are feeling.

This is one of the reasons I created The Health Haven. I wanted a space where you can escape from life's stress and allow yourself time to stop, reflect and grow. Stress may be a normal response but not something we should be dealing with every single day.


So beautiful let’s see what your relationship with stress is like:

Journal Prompt:

Out of 10, what would your stress levels be at the moment?

Why is this?

Do you suffer from stress or anxiety on a daily/weekly basis?

Is it something you are able to manage or struggle with?

What triggers you to become stressed or anxious?

What is your body telling you when you do become stressed?

What techniques do you currently use to destress? Do these work?

What would you like your relationship with stress to look like? 


Being aware of how stress impacts your life is so important and although it is always going to be around it means we are able to find ways to help you manage it so you feel like a weight has been lifted.

Understanding your nervous system

When you are under stress your nervous system is one of the first parts of your body that responds.

There are two parts that make up your nervous system: 

Central nervous system: allows you to speak and move.

Autonomic nervous system: Determines heartbeat, hair growth, healing etc.

From our Autonomic nervous system comes our sympathetic nervous system (fight or flight) and our parasympathetic nervous system (rest and digest).

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So you can see how our stress hormones work their way down until they hit a cross road which is where it either turns left or right, fight or flight or rest and digest. Mostly we are turning to fight or flight but what we want is to be able to distinguish what kind of stress we are experiencing and how we can turn off our fight or flight and switch on our rest and digest mode.

So for many of us we are living far too much in the red zone (SNS) and we really want to be living in the green zone. So how do we know which zone we are in and how do we get to the green zone (PNS)?

So how do you knw if your are living in the red zone?

When your stress reactions are too strong or triggered too often your body remains on high alert. This means that your body learns to coexist with continuous stress which can have an adverse effect on the body.

These effects include:

  • Mood swings

  • Lack of energy

  • Insomnia

  • Increased fat storage

  • Increased blood pressure

  • Body aches and pains

  • Digestive issues

  • Low libido

  • Lower bone density

    Now I don’t know about you but as I sit here and write this I am doing a whole lot of head nodding. I used to tick nearly all of those boxes and I had no idea how stress could impact my health in so many ways. So if you are feeling like this could be you, it’s time to take action.

Rest and digest

Ok, now you have the low down on stress, how our body copes and what effect it has on your health. So now it’s time to find some ways to help you manage and eliminate unwanted stress.

Essentially this all happens in the green zone, your parasympathetic nervous system A.K.A the happiest place on earth. I think we all deserve a little visit here so let’s go!

I am going to throw out some ideas of how to switch over to your rest and digest state. These may or may not align with you but you will get the gist of what I am saying. This is really to empower you to take control and think of ways that bring you a sense of peace and serenity.

  • Practice calming activities such as yoga, deep breathing and journaling

  • Declutter your space

  • Get organised, write out and plan your day/week

  • Prioritise tasks focusing on one thing at a time

  • Delegate tasks when you start to feel overwhelmed. Things like setting up automatic payments, setting up reminders on your phone, asking for help with certain tasks

  • Diffuse essential oils in your home/bedroom

  • Practice mindfulness. Step away from technology and be present

  • Spend some time outdoors. Go for a walk or to the beach and enjoy nature

  • Walk barefoot on the grass to help ground you

  • Practise gratitude and journaling

  • Light a candle and take a bath

  • Treat yourself to a massage

  • Drink herbal tea and eat wholefoods

I think you get the picture. All of these things are nourishing your mind, body and soul and in turn helping you reach a state of relaxation. 

Essentially gals it’s pretty much giving back to yourself, allowing your body to slow down, your mind to think and reflect but most importantly allow yourself to fill back up your cup.

Supporting Stress through food

One of the best ways we can support ourselves and help reduce stress within our bodies and mind is by using food as medicine. I have said it before and I will say it again, food is powerful. Recently there has been a big calling for ‘superfoods’ to help boost our health and vitality. Superfood means that they simply are a nutritional powerhouse or contain ingredients that help us live a healthier and more energised life.

Specifically I want to chat to you about Adaptogens. Adaptogens have been used for many moons in herbal medicine in particular Chinese and Ayurvedic healing traditions to help the body ‘adapt’ and manage stress (emotional and physical). Whether that be inflammation, energy depletion, low libido and hormone imbalances. They are typically derived from plants and can be used in many ways in your daily life.

I personally have loved having ‘moon milk’ each night (A delicious latte that includes adaptogens, don’t worry there is no caffeine). This has been part of my night time routine and I honestly find I sleep so well because of it. There are many adaptogenic foods out there and here are some of my favourites:

  • Ashwagandha - may help reduce stress and anxiety

  • Reishi - can help to boost immune system and improve sleep

  • Lions Mane - may help boost mood and reduce inflammation

  • Siberian Ginseng - may help increase energy

  • Maca - may help combat fatigue and balance hormones.

  • Holy Basil - can help reduce stress related anxiety

  • Astragalus - may help boost immune function

  • Licorice root - may help reduce stress

Some more popular way these have been used are though herbal teas, tonics, mushroom powders and elixirs as well as in night time milk drinks, baked foods and even some protein powders. As incredible as they are, always chat to a naturopath or health care professional before diving in. It’s important to understand your own body first, what it needs and go from there. However if you are wanting to start there are amazing ‘moon milks’ and ‘smoothie boosters’ that you could try, just ensure they are good quality and you follow instructions.

Some brands I have used are Nutra Organics, Knowrish Well and Masons Mushrooms but there are many out there just do your research first lovely.

Remember: These aren’t the answer to stress, only ways you can help support yourself. Looking after your mind, body and soul is priority and will hold more value. By following the steps above we spoke about you will help find healthy and sustainable ways to combat stress. You are your most valuable tool beautiful.

Conquer your stress

Fear is the opposite of love ...FALSE! Fear is a compass, showing you where to go in times of need. Often our stress stems from fear, fear of change, fear of failure, fear of something bad happening or fear of losing something we love so much. As women we often hold onto this fear resulting in built of stress and anxiety, not wanting our emotions to get in the way of what needs to get done. Silly I know but for some reason it’s what we do best. 

Journal Prompt:

Do you find it easier to give than receive?

Do you often say yes when you want to say no?

What fear are you holding onto? Maybe fear around family, career, life? Write down the things that are weighing heavy on your shoulders:

Speaking your truth and following your passion can be the best stress relief. You see sometimes, the reason we feel stressed and overwhelmed is because we aren’t doing the things we love. Take a moment and re-read that last sentence and let it soak in.

The thing you need to do the most, is the thing that scares you the most.

The quality of your life is directly related to the amount of uncertainty you can comfortably live with meaning, we need to allow ourselves space to feel the fear and do it anyway.

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Journal Prompt:

What are 5 things you have been putting off? (Something you think you will be judged for, lose or fail at)

Let’s go into fear mode. If you were to do these 5 things, what’s the worst thing that could happen?

So beautiful let me ask you something.

 What’s worse, that or finishing your life with regret?

We don’t know what the future holds for us, we can only make sure that every step and action we take is a step towards the life we are wanting to create for ourselves.

If these 5 things are what you need/want to do to be happy and that is the worst outcome, what are two things you can do today or this week that will help you step forward and feel the fear and do it anyway?

Great! Write this in your diary or put it in your phone now and set a reminder. Beside these actions pop a little mantra beside it to help encourage you when the time comes.

I love this one:

 “I am worthy and capable of achieving anything, nothing will stop me from living my dreams and being happy”

How to kick butt at your to-do list


Ok, I have to add this one in here as it’s something I have a love hate relationship with. I love to see what I have achieved but I really dislike seeing all the unticked tasks on my to-do list. It creates so much stress that I end up feeling down in the dumps and I guess a little but like a failure which is not true at all.

Like I said above, generally we find it easier to give than receive, same goes with to-do lists. We so easily see what needs to get done but never stop and give ourselves a little pat on the back for getting what we could get done.

So I have found a little hack that takes away some of that stress. The goal isn’t to tick as many things off as you can but simply focusing on what you DID get done. I am a visual person, so for me this means having a to-do column and a got dont column. I tick off the things I did and write down everything that I achieved in the other column.

No matter how big or little the task, write it down. You may have ‘clean the house’ on your to-do list, but realistically might not have enough hours in the day so write down what you did get done like mopping the floors or tidying the pantry. Alternatively if having ‘me time’ was on your to-do list write down every time you got to relax. Maybe you listened to a podcast on your way to work or treated yourself to a coffee on your lunch break, these are all small wins but we sometimes don’t see these as accomplishments instead, we look at the one big task and see it as a win or fail.  

These small wins that are worth celebrating so being able to see how you spent your time will help you take a little pressure off yourself and allow you to focus on the good rather than the bad.


So lovely, for this week, I want you to practise more gratitude when it comes to your to-do list. Starting your week feeling stressed is not a nice feeling so let’s focus on all the things that you DO achieve this week. For this week, I encourage you to use your stress less to do list below. 

Notice how you feel after writing down each achievement and how you feel compared to before. You have got this girl!

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The key to living a wholesome life. I think we all know the importance of quality sleep however it is normally the first thing that gets put to the wayside being one of the easiest ways to free up more time in our day. Your body needs sleep not just to help you feel rejuvenated but to do it’s healing and growing. It is when we sleep that our body repairs itself which is why rest is vital for our health. 

Even if we get 7-9 hours of sleep a night the quality of that sleep has changed. Our minds are busier than ever, we are constantly attached to electronic devices, we are more stressed and put more pressure on ourselves to get more done. No wonder we are not getting good quality sleep!


Just like the sun sets ready for night, our brains need care too. Getting good quality sleep helps our bodies restore so it can function at it’s best for the next day, it allows our stress hormones to subside and switch on our rest and digest mode. We can manage stress better, think clearer, make wiser choices, our immune system strengthens, our mood improves, sex drive increases and we feel more energised.

Journal Prompt:

What is your relationship with sleep like?

Do you love snuggling up in bed to rest or do you sleep to avoid certain problems?

Does your body crave more sleep or do you wake up feeling energised?

If you constantly feel tired, moody and have a foggy brain the chances are you are not getting good quality sleep. There are many reasons for this so let’s look at some things that may affect good sleep:

  • Stress/worry

  • Over stimulation

  • Processed foods

  • Elevated body temp

  • Poor mattress/pillow

  • Light exposure

  • Over/under eating

  • Low melatonin (hormone that regulates sleep)

If you struggle with sleep it’s a good idea to see if any of these may affect you. 

Write down which ones may affect your sleep, why is this? 

What do you think you need to do to help improve this?

 It may mean playing around with different foods or creating a night time routine to help you wind down.

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When we are lacking in sleep we can see some major changes within the body including:

Weight gain

Increased risk of chronic disease

Increased risk of accidents

Decline in cognitive function

Increased anxiety


Burnout and fatigue

Hormone imbalances

So, as you can gather sleep is pretty important not only for your health but for your wellbeing. So I am giving you permission beautiful to slow down and focus on your sleep, simply letting your body rest and recover. A chance to unplug from our busy schedules and just be still.

So how much sleep should we be getting and how do we improve it?

As a rough guide adults need 7-9 hours sleep, Infants 11-15 and teens 8-10. It may take a little experimenting to see what works best for you and your lifestyle. You may feel more energised by going to bed 30 mins earlier and waking 30 mins earlier, it’s all about playing with different times and routines.

Below I have included some of my favourite ways to help improve the quality and length of your sleep. You may like to start with one or choose a few to incorporate into your day, it’s whatever feels aligned with you and your surroundings.


Eat the rainbow

Limit sugar and caffeine

Experiment with lighter evening meals

Replace late night snacking with reading or chatting to a loved one

Try not to drink too much late at night


Clear clutter/mess from your room

Invest in a good mattress/pillow

Leave electronics out of the room or place on aeroplane mode

Diffuse some calming essential oils

Reduce light and sound


Do a full body exfoliation

Have a nice bath with some epsom salts and essential oils

Rub some nourishing oil/cream over your body



Journal before bed

Start a gratitude list


Read before bed

Switch off the tv/phone 30 mins before bed

Write your to-do list the night before

Take 3 deep breaths before closing your eyes


These are some beautiful ways to help get your body ready for a deep and peaceful sleep. These activities are designed to switch off your fight or flight mode and switch on your rest and digest mode. 

Before we go ahead I would like you to pick one that you feel drawn to that you can start this week. Maybe one jumps out at you as you deep down know it’s something you could change or work on and maybe know is affecting your sleep.

Which one will you implement this week?

Ok beautiful, It’s time to get serious about sleep

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You see back in the day when we felt under a lot of pressure or were in danger our sympathetic nervous system (fight or flight) would be activated. Our cortisol levels would rise our adrenaline would kick in preparing us for a quick escape or ready to defend ourselves. This was normal and so important for human survival.

However in today’s world, the problem is that our bodies are under constant stress. Stress from work, home, friends and family and everything in between so our fight or flight mode is constantly switched on. What does that mean? It means our bodies are under stress 70% of the time rather than say 30% purely because we are not giving our bodies the rest it needs. Resting and relaxing is what lets our bodies know that everything is ok and that we are safe, allowing our body to switch back into our rest and digest state.

Creating a bedtime routine is a beautiful way to do this. It signals to your body that you have finished your day and are ready to start resetting and restoring for a new day. Use the activity below to help create your own night time routine. Think about the things that might work for you and help you relax. Stick to it for a week and see what changes you notice. Maybe you are able to focus better the next day or have less sugar cravings or maybe you just feel amazing and more rested. Either way you are about to create some magical changes.

As you can see, you can really make it your own. If you don’t like meditating then don’t do it! Instead choose something that you actually like doing. My night time routine changes all the time, sometimes I need a bigger wind down when others im ready for bed early. Listen to your body and what it’s telling you and let that be your guide.

For me I need time away from technology before bed otherwise I don’t sleep. I like to stretch my body to release all tension and put on my oil diffuser with a nice relaxing blend of essential oils. As I lay in bed I say 3 things I am grateful for and why followed by 3 big deep belly breaths. This is my goto night time routine and this year I am adding in some reading too. So simple but works a treat!

If you are like me and like to write down everything I prompt you to use my sleep diary below. This will help track your sleep, sleep quality and your energy and emotions throughout the day. This will help you see what works and what doesn’t and what possible things may be causing you to not sleep your best.

After a week reflect and look back for patterns. Once you find a pattern choose 1 action step you can take to help improve your sleep.


Energising your body naturally

We all want to wake up feeling full of life and energised right? But how do we do that when our days are constantly full and we are running around on empty? Maybe you skipped breakfast because you were running late or feeling exhausted because your kids were up all night or you went to bed too late because you got hooked on your fav TV show. These things happen but our adrenals pay the price.

Our adrenal glands are the small endocrine glands that sit at the top of the kidneys. Although they are small they play a HUGE role within our bodies and one of those is initiating our fight or flight mode and regulating our stress response through the synthesis of hormones like cortisol and adrenaline.

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When our body is constantly run down or stressed are bodies are on high alert most of the time meaning these hormones are constantly being produced.This can lead to poor digestion, low immunity, increased blood pressure and blood sugar and over time fatigued. When we feel low in energy and exhausted it is normally because we are over working these little glands. 

So how do you know if your body’s adrenals need a little TLC? 

Journal Prompt:

Do you rely on stimulants such as caffeine and sugar to boost your energy?

Do you feel fatigued most of the day?

Do you find it hard to concentrate or remember certain tasks?

Do you crave salt and sugar?

Do you suffer from unspecific digestive issues?

Do you find it hard to fall asleep and wake up?


If you answered yes to some of these it could be an indication that you need to slow down and find some ways to support your adrenals naturally to help you start feeling like you again. Feeling exhausted most of the time not only affects your health but can have a big impact on your quality of life. Things like social outings, work, exercise and playing with your children can all be impacted by simply not having enough energy.

What do you feel could be contributing to your lack of energy? Maybe a stressful job, working long hours, poor diet? Write down all the things that you feel create more stress on your body.

How many days of the week do you feel more tired than energised?

How do you currently boost your energy?

Do you feel that helps or is more of a band aid fixture?

I want you to close your eyes and tune in with your body. What is it telling you it needs instead?

Write down some ways you feel could support your body naturally:

Ok girls I have a confession and I am pretty sure many of you have written this to one of the questions above. Coffee, I will be the first to admit that I LOVE it! The taste, the smell, the ritual, all of it! I used to drink around 3-4 cups a day (yikes!) Back then it was not only because I enjoyed it but I also relied on it to perk me up and comfort me at night (no wonder I wasn’t sleeping).

Now I enjoy 1 cup a day (pure enjoyment), sometimes two (#mumlife). However the difference now is I know that two is my absolute limit, anymore my anxiety creeps in I get the jitters and generally feel unwell. So, I keep to one a day in the morning which works well for me. I no longer rely on it for energy and have learned to listen to my body’s signals when it comes to what it needs. 

Caffeine gets your adrenal glands pumping which is why many people choose to include this in their lifestyle. Some people can tolerate a lot while others not at all, it really is up to the individual. Now I am not saying you can’t have caffeine but simply be aware of how it responds in your body. If you are like me and one is enough then that is great, if two is your thing than amazing but just be aware that anymore can lead to adrenal exhaustion causing you to feel burnt out and cause other issues within the body.


Luckily there are other alternatives if you feel you need to ease back on the caffeine. If you consume it for energy try green tea, if you love the taste try decaffeinated or a coffee alternative, if you feel a little run down and need a pick me up try a cold pressed juice. You also can’t go past good old H2O, dehydration can be caused by having too much caffeine so always ensure you are drinking at least 2 liters of filtered water a day.

There are also other ways you can support your adrenals through everyday life:

  • Eat clean whole foods

  • Get adequate sleep (7-9 hours)

  • Reduce caffeine consumption and drink more water

  • Limit your consumption of refined carbs

  • Give your adrenals a break (deep breathing, yoga)

Life should be fun and each day we should feel our best so let’s give our bodies and adrenals a break and start looking after this beautiful body of ours.




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Hormonal health is something I have become very passionate about over the past 5 years. After being diagnosed with PCOS I became more and more interested in what role hormones play within the body and what factors can affect them. Hormones play vital roles in our body and hormonal health is critical for our overall health and wellbeing. This topic is HUGE and research is constantly finding out new information about our hormones and their role within the body.  

Hormonal imbalance and the health issues associated with it are becoming more and more common. We are seeing more women with PCOS, thyroid issues, chronic PMS, irregular periods, acne, fatigue and depression than ever before. The main culprit is a hormone imbalance.

This can be caused by many things which is why one diagnosis doesn’t fit everyone. Even for me, I am still on my journey of finding out what is causing and what type of PCOS I have as there are so many possibilites. Despite this, there are always ways you can help support your hormones and create harmony within the body.


So, what exactly are hormones?

Hormones are chemical messengers that send signals throughout your body. These signals help communicate to our body and allow for the important processes we need to survive to take place. Hormones help regulate functions like sleep, stress and reproduction. They work together very closely in a complex system, so if one is out of balance it flows to the others. This is why it is important to help support and balance your hormones.

There are many hormones in the body but as women we have a few key hormones that each play a vital role within the body. Once we recognise these hormones and and what they do, we are able to consciously make steps towards nourishing and balancing each one. These key hormones are:

  1. Estrogen: The biggie when it comes to puberty and the physical changes that come with it such as our menstrual cycle and reproduction.

  2. Progesterone: Helps support and maintain reproduction but also breast support, heart health and the health of our nervous system.

  3. Cortisol: We all know this as our stress hormone. This is released when stress is detected. It also helps to mobilise energy, maintain mood and emotions.

  4. Thyroid hormones: helps regulate the body’s metabolism, heart function, digestion and brain development.

  5. Pregnenolone: Enhances memory, motivation and mood while reducing symptoms of PMS and menopause.

  6. Testosterone: Impacts the female libido while also supporting cognitive function, bone growth and stress levels in the body.

  7. DHEA: Used to make sex hormones. Peaks around our mid 20’s and declines with age.

  8. Androstenedione: Increases energy levels while enhancing muscle growth and recovery. This can also affect our estrogen and testosterone.

When one of these is out of balance it usually creates a ripple effect throughout the body.

So how do you know that you have a hormone imbalance? Besides a blood test there are a few ways you can check in with yourself to see if you might be experiencing an imbalance. Here are a few signs that might be an indication:

  • Extreme fatigue

  • Low sex drive

  • Intense PMS

  • Unexplained weight gain/loss

  • Cystic acne

  • Irregular or missing period

  • Mood swings/irritability

  • Unable to manage stress

These signs can be an indication that you may have a hormonal imbalance and is always best to check in with your health care practitioner if these symptoms persist. Hormonal health is so important so looking after yourself is vital.

There are many reasons your hormones may be out of whack. The more common reasons are:

  • Stress

  • Birth control

  • Over consumption of processed foods

  • Gut issues

  • Exposure to chemicals and plastics

  • Food additives and preservatives

  • Low immunity

  • Mineral and vitamin deficiency

  • Lack of sleep

  • Excessive alcohol consumption

  • Adrenal fatigue

  • Over or under eating

Luckily, there are some things you can do at home to start to support and help your hormonal health. 

  1. Get real about rest: Sleep is so important for living a happy and healthy life. When we sleep our body repairs itself and hormones are able to regulate and do their job. 

  2. Balance your nervous system: We spend way too much time hanging out in the ‘fight or flight’ zone. Our stress levels are higher which means our body is constantly on alert. Incorporate more rest and relaxation into your day. Yoga, deep breathing, laughing, sex, all help us switch off. 

  3. Mix up your exercise: Too much vigorous exercise can trigger your stress hormone so try mixing up your routine. Include walking, pilates or yoga in your week to help balance this out.

  4. Watch what you eat: Sugar, caffeine, chemically sprayed food and processed foods all impact our hormones and can cause major upset in the body. Try balancing these out by eating more spray free/organic wholefoods and drinking more water.

  5. Limit toxins within the home: Perfume, plastic, cleaning products and cosmetics can contain harmful toxins that interfere with our hormones.

Experiment with some DIY cleaning products using essential oils and try incorporating more natural or organic products.

I love Eco Modern Essential Oils

These are a great place to start and can be an incredible step forward into balancing your hormonal health. There are also some foods that can help support our hormones and are great to start adding into your lifestyle:

  • Dandelion tea: helps balance hormones and the liver

  • Spray free/organic fruit and veg: Food that hasn’t been sprayed with herbicides and pesticides and have not been tampered with

  • Healthy fats: Avocado, nuts/seeds, olive oil, flaxseed oil all help build and support your hormones

  • Lean protein: helps support hormones

  • Lots of fruit and veg: These are loaded with vitamins and nutrients that our body needs.

  • Complex Carbs: Wholegrains, legumes, some fruit and veg. Creates energy our body and systems need to work optimally.

  • Dark leafy greens, sea vegetables like nori, mineral rich salt like sea or himilayan: contain essential nutrients and minerals.

  • Less gluten, dairy and processed foods: These cause inflammation and stress within the body.

  • Support your gut health by taking a good probiotic and eating fermented foods like kimchi, kefir, sourdough and kombucha.

  • Green juices/smoothies will help detox your body of toxins built up in your body. These will help ‘flush’ the body and help with cell renewal.

  • Drink plenty of filtered water.

These are just a few to help you get started. 


Body Rituals

Our body is our temple, our vessel that sees us through until the end. We focus so much on the inside that we sometimes forget the importance of nurturing the outside too. Our skin is our largest organ, it’s the forefront to anything and everything before entering the body. This includes sun exposure/UV rays, body/skin products, food/drinks, human touch, bacteria, dirt and chemicals.


Think of your skin as a protective layer that covers the whole surface of your body. It regenerates every 27 days, helps regulate our body temperature, moisture levels, filters and absorbs chemicals and nutrients and is constantly protecting us from free radical damage.

It is a very busy organ and overtime can become a little worn and tried. While our systems work hard on the inside there are ways that we can help support and nourish our skin whilst also creating a beautiful treatment for the mind, body and soul. 

Try adding some of these into your self care rituals:

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  • Dry brushing: helps remove build up of dead skin cells as well as cleanses and exfoliates the body. This also helps stimulate circulation and is an effective way to help with cellulite.

    *Circular motions towards the heart

  • Infrared saunas/steam rooms: help eliminate toxins through sweat.

  • Clay wraps: bentonite and diatomaceous earth also helps to draw out toxins and unclog the skin.

  • Drink plenty of filtered water, around 2-3 liters a day.

  • Start your day with a warm lemon water to help assist your body in detoxification and to help kick start your metabolism.

  • Eat antioxidant rich foods such as berries and leafy greens

  • Nourish: Keep your skin hydrated by oil dressing or using a body butter like shea butter. Coconut oil, almond and jojoba oil are also great for the body. Try adding in some essential oils to make your own body lotion:


  • 100ml glass bottle

  • Sweet almond oil

  • 10 drops of Geranium essential oil

  • 10 drops of Lavender essential oil

  • 10 drops of Ylang ylang essential oil

Fill the bottle ¾ with the sweet almond oil, add in the essential oils and put the lid back on. Give it a swirl and apply as needed.

  • Protect your skin: Long exposure to the sun can be detrimental to your skin health. Wear a natural, good quality sunscreen if spending time in sunlight (even filtered). You know the saying “slip,slop and slap”.

  • Massage: Not only good emotionally but massage has so many incredible health benefits from lymphatic drainage, release of muscle tension, improved circulation, better absorption, helps eliminate toxins from the body and stimulate collagen and elastin fibres.

  • Eat healthy fats: Foods like avocado, nuts and seeds, flaxseed oil, nut butters. These help keep your skin cells happy, healthy and nourished. This helps prevent signs of aging as well as gives you that beautiful glow. Try adding them into your morning smoothie:



  • 1 frozen banana

  • Handful of frozen blueberries

  • 1 tbsp LSA mix (ground linseed, sunflower and almond) 

  • 1 tbsp of almond butter

  • 300ml of filtered water (depending on how thick you like it)

  • 1 heaped tbsp of vanilla protein powder (natural and full of wholefoods)

  • 300ml of filtered water

Add all ingredients into a blender and blitz until smooth and creamy.


Regulating your body

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Our body is an intricate system working around the clock to keep us healthy and well. What we choose to do each and every day will either help or hinder this. Normally we make choices without a thought, we go by impulse or on familiarity. What if we actually stopped and thought about what results we will get from the actions we take? 

We are the only ones who can choose to support our body on a daily basis. To really tap in and see what it is our body needs to flourish. This can be done by simply checking in with yourself each morning and asking:

Journal Prompt:

How does my body feel today?

What is it saying no to?

What does it need to feel it’s best today?

What is one thing I can do today that will help it feel this way?

Then throughout the day when you are about to make a choice simply check back in with your answers to these questions before making your decision.. Sometimes this can help you really step into the life you are creating for yourself and sometimes it might simply create awareness around your thoughts and actions. Either way it’s a big win in my books.

Even on days where we are kicking butt at life, we can still revisit old habits and get caught back up in the busyness of life and unconsciously start making old choices again. If this is you then you might find the diagram below very helpful. It’s a quick guide to help regulate your body so you can feel your vibrant self again. Think of it like a mini checklist. I like to sit down at the end of the week and go through it, seeing where I did amazing and and where I can put more focus for the week to come, I normally then set a weekly goal around where I can put more love and energy into. 

What step in the guide could pay more attention to?