Our bodies are incredible. They carry us from birth to our last day on earth, contantly breathing, regenerating, pumping blood, digesting, absorbing, thinking, creating life and that is just skimming the top of what our beautiful bodies do for us every single day. Overtime we get complacent with all that our body does for us, I guess we get so used to it doing it’s thing that we forget that what we choose to fuel our body with and the way we treat it has a HUGE affect on how it functions.
Not only food but many other elements in our life can affect the way our body works. Things like stress, sleep, sickness, exercise, injury and your mental health all play a vital role in the functioning of your body. Luckily we are seeing a rise in the self care world and we a realising that we need to start showing our body the love and attention is so deserves. This can be tricky, especially when we struggle loving and accepting certain parts of ourselves. So beautiful, this is where I come in.
The way I move and see my body has changed so much over the past 5 years. I used to think that going to the gym 5 days a week for an hour each time and being restrictive with my foods would help me achieve the ‘perfect body’ well, I can tell you it did not. I thought that weighing a certain weight would mean that I would finally love my body but all it did was keep pushing my ‘goal’ further and further away. Luckily this isn’t the way I see or think about movement and my body. I am hoping this will change for you too. You will find as your life changes around you so will your mindset and motivation. The way you look at exercise and the way you eat will reflect the way you see yourself and once you get there, it is a beautiful and proud moment.
Living beyond the perfect body
““Your physical body doesn’t define your worth””
I was never truly happy with my body instead when I got to a certain weight I would put more pressure on myself to look a certain way. I wanted a 6 pack, toned arms and legs, the list went on. This happens to so many people, why? Because my why was for all the wrong reasons. It’s because we are looking for validation from others, not ourselves, it’s because we think that if we look a certain way that it will bring us all the happiness in the world and that beautiful is far from the truth.
I am going to be really honest with you and I don’t think I have shared this with anyone until now. It wasn’t until I fell pregnant and possibly right before we did IVF that I really let go of this conception of a ‘perfect body’. I was told by my health care professionals that I needed to eat and rest more if I wanted to be able to fall and hold a pregnancy. This meant cutting back at the gym, changing the way I exercised and consume MORE food (What!?) Yep, more healthy carbs, protein and fats and more gentle ways of movements, this of course meant slowing down which was something I was never good at but I took their advice and it was one of the best things I could have done.
I started being more conscious of the food I ate, I gave myself permission to have rice with dinner and enjoy a bit of dark chocolate more. I enjoyed incorporating more walks and yoga into my week and mostly I LOVED the feeling of slowing down and embracing these small but wonderful things that I had been missing out on. This was the start of my true self love journey but even more my body love journey.
So let’s check in and see how you are going. This is a safe place where you can be raw and honest, no holding back beautiful. This is your journey and I want to help you learn to love the skin you’re in and embrace it with a big HELL YEAH!
Journal Prompt:
So lovely, what does the ‘perfect body’ look like to you?
What makes it perfect?
Do you think achieving this would make you truly happy or searching for more?
Where do you think this ideal picture came from? Is this true for you?
Do you tend to pick your body apart focusing on what you don’t like?
Are these thoughts showing you love or hate?
Would you say these things to your best friend? How do you think they would feel if you did?
How would you feel?
If your friend told you that she had the same insecurities as you what advice or positive words would you give them?
Now letting those words infuse into your mind. What do you think needs to change for you to start adapting this mindset and start loving and accepting your body?
For a moment I want you to close your eyes, think about what life would be like if you woke up each day body positive, if you could love and accept your body for what it is. Just take a moment to free your mind of judgment and fear and just soak in all that love and gratitude.
Write down everything you just felt.
How would your day be different? What things would you feel more confident to do? How would your life change if you loved the skin you're in?
What is stopping you beautiful?
You are enough, you always have been. No number on the scales or likes on social media will ever make you feel as good as the love you give to yourself and body. Your body, your vessel is far more important than living with judgment and fear.
The moment you let go and start consciously living with intention and come from a place of love, your world will change for the better.
It’s time to celebrate the beauty we all have; the curves, the stretch marks, freckles, our squiggy bits, all that we are and what it reflects. A beautiful, working and sacred being.
“The relationship you have with yourself sets the tone for every other relationship in your life”
It takes time to learn to love yourself, it takes daily practise and patience with yourself. Each morning you wake up and look at yourself in the mirror, place your hand on your heart and say thank you. Thank you for breathing, for your heart pumping, for your brain thinking and processing and for your stomach for digesting and nourishing.
A simple yet beautiful practise of gratitude to start stepping into that body confident mindset. Now when those negative thoughts arise you will find it easier to let them go and start focusing on what IS beautiful about your body and acknowledging the journey it has been on.
There are a few key things you can focus on at home that will help support you on your self love journey. These will help your body feel its absolute best and will help you change the way you feel and see your body. Simple self care acts for nourishing your body.
Admire yourself as you do others
I want you to sit down and think of the 3 people you admire the most. This could be family, friends, influencers whoever they are I want you to write down the things you admire most about them. What are they? I bet you not one of those things are to do with how they look? That’s because your body or looks DO NOT define you as a person. People love you for the person you are inside not by the clothes you wear or if you’re wearing makeup and definitely not by the way you look. So beautiful admire yourself just like you do them, see your own qualities that others see in you and celebrate them on every level.
You’re physical appearance DOES NOT define your worth girlfriend, read that again outloud…. Embrace yourself and celebrate the beauty that you are inside and out..